Could be a long story and not sure I am in the right community. Apologies in advance.Had a Liver transplant due to PSC in 2006. In 2013 got PTLD. The Lymphoma was cured but it damaged one of my ureters. Since then I have had ureteric stents replaced every 6 months to keep the ureter open. The last few replacements were increasingly difficult to do and last month it became blocked. I had a nephrostomy last week and now have a bag on my side replaced twice a week.
My query concerns the design of the bags which seems very poor. The valve at the bottom is just a simple lever protruding forward that catches on trousers when you lower them for a "number 2" and the connection between the leg bag and the bag covering the tube from the kidney is just a push fit.
I have tried to learn the lesson to be careful but the bottom lever has caught without lowering trousers and gravity has an inexorable effect on two tubes pushed together that separate at inconvenient times even when using sellotape to try an prevent it.
Is this a familiar experience for anyone? How do you cope. Do you have better designed bags. I have Coloplast Charter (sounds like NHS local has a deal with them). I am UK based. Thanks for reading