I am 4 months post transplant, I have a lot of pain on the bottom of my feet and it's really stopping me from having a normal life. Whenever I walk or stand up I get pain on the bottom of my feet. My doctor says its nerve pain on my feet and its from the transplant medications I am taking. At times this pain is so bad that it stops me from doing anything, its like I cannot have a normal life. Has anyone experienced this before. Please comment.
Pain in the feet: I am 4 months post... - Kidney Transplant
Pain in the feet
Yes I also feeling the pain still after 7 month of transplant..I use to wear metatarsal foot pad..so by this I manage to walk with cousion shoes...
Ya I have the same pain when I get up in the morning I can't walk properly an I'm getting a lot of pain in my knee as well its realy getting me down as i otherwise feel ok
I did not have the foot pain after my transplant, but I would make sure you continue to tell your transplant team about this problem. With time, as long as your kidney function is good, they may be able to reduce your dose of immunosuppressants. In the meantime, make sure you wear a good pair of shoes with good arch supports. I would also buy some good insoles for your shoes. I know Walmart stores have Dr. Scholls insoles.
I'm assuming you are taking Tacrolimus (Prograf) which can cause neuropathy. At 4 months post transplant your physicians may not want to "rock the boat" by making major changes in your immunosuppression. One option might be to change from Prograf to longer acting Envarsus XR which might help. Envarsus XR is once a day and has smaller differences between high and low bloodstream levels, which can decrease neuro-related side effects. Envarsus has been shown to decrease tremors, not sure about neuropathic pain but worth a try.
I'm having similar problems on and off , plantar fasciitis I think, I bought some insoles off ebay, which seem to be helping , do your heels hurt most, especially first thing in the morning?
Yes I can't walk when I first get out of bed the bottoms of my feet hurt so much . I take painkillers which easy.s it for a while but if I walk any distance it hurts I've been told its the antirejection drugs .
What did your doctors say. Can they change ur medications and give you another one. My doctor said they will send me to neurologist, he is a nerve doctor. Also I was give medication for nerve pain. This pain is so bad, I cannot do my normal activities as a result. Hope your pain gets better.
I've Had my transplant just over a year, fine at first, then I went for a long walk and the foot problems started. Feet got better over next 3 months , then this spring went for another long walk , followed by another 3 months of hobbling around. The only way I've found to heal them is not to walk too far , and wear the comfiest shoes or sneakers you've got , with some arch support insoles in them.
I hope your pain gets better. I am 8 years out and the past year I started to have alot of pain on my feet which I have been told its plantar fasciitis. It's been so bad at times I couldn't walk. I had no clue it cud be from my meds. I take prograf. I did by the dr. shols insols where you get on the machine and it helps.
Oh my gosh! Mine started with horrible knee pain and neuropathy in my feet for months. Then that got better and I got plantar fasciitis. Had to walk with crutches for 3 weeks. Now that’s starting to get better but now the sciatica pain is horrible. It’s like I get rid of one thing and get something else. I have told the doctors. All they ever want to do is send me to another doctor who never helps😢😢😢