I had my first appointment with an infectious disease specialist today. She reviewed all my pre and post transplant data with me. She gathered detailed information about the side effects I’ve been experiencing with Valcyte as well as what had been tried with medication dose changes etc. In addition, she gathered detailed information to determine my risk for exposure to other viral infections over my lifetime. In short I’m at extremely low risk for any of these.
After all of this she confirmed that I do have recurrent CMV which needs a different treatment approach. She also said that some patients experience “concerning” side effects to Valcyte like I am; but there are other medication options. She walked me through those.
She then talked about the treatment plan we’ll follow.
1. Discontinue Valcyte immediately. Suspend Myfortic for 4-6 weeks. That will elevate my WBC count more. Monitor renal function and CMV status weekly with treatment adjustments if needed. The goal is to give my body a chance to pull CMV in check using my own immune system.
2. If #1 doesn’t work restart antiviral medication. She won’t prescribe Valcyte though. Instead she’ll most likely prescribe Maribavir. This antiviral does not decrease WBC count and has very few side effects (loss of taste, diarrhea, and nausea are the main side effects). She is starting the paperwork to get this specialty medication pre-approved by my insurance so the medication can be filled immediately should I need it.
I’ve met a doctor who is up to the challenge of my CMV situation. I’m both thrilled and relieved. I’m hoping that my body’s natural immune system will be able to deal with this CMV. Prior to anti rejection meds entering my life I virtually never got sick—perfect attendance through all schooling including my doctoral degree. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had the flu over my 70 years on this earth… with fingers left over! So, hopefully, my natural immune system will take care of this.
I’m a little worried about being totally off the low dose of Myfortic I’ve been on for the next 4-6 weeks. I’m trying to set that worry aside.
Meanwhile, since I will no longer be taking Valcyte, I hope to gradually start feeling better day by day this week. That would certainly be wonderful!