WEIGHT LOSS: I want to loose belly fat I... - Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant

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neet24 profile image
18 Replies

I want to loose belly fat I am 3 yrs post kidney transplant..

Due to Covid I can't go outside, never went to gym. Please guide me what to do.

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neet24 profile image
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18 Replies
Amyb93 profile image


I was transplanted in July 2020. I don’t know what the Covid situation is where you live, but i live in Canada and where i live there has been a rise in cases. Also, i don’t know if you have other health problems that can’t make you go outside for safety. However, my doctors told me i can go on walks, hiking, etc. I can go outside but try to distance myself from other. I would discuss the possibilities with your team and they will tell you what is safest for you.

Good luck!

neet24 profile image
neet24 in reply to Amyb93

I am from India, there is no lockdown here but cases are at peak and my doctor say no to go outside even checkup are online.. yea my doctor just says me to do any exercise and just be inside..

so i started doing some but as my body always get muscular pain here n there.. I stop doing and rest and make sure to go according my body..

Stay safe😊✌🏻

You have to move and eat less of the bad stuff. It is a struggle. I was told not to go anyplace except doc appointments. I can go outside and walk. Lift weights. Or, use a laundry detergent bottle. You don't need a gym, you can substitute stuff around you as weights. What part of the country are you from. Just wondering, because most people can go outside.

neet24 profile image
neet24 in reply to

I am from India, there is no lockdown here but cases are at peak and my doctor say no to go outside even checkup are online.. And from starting I avoid junk food consume less sugar as some is required to me to stay energetic..

Stay safe✌🏻😊

pops81 profile image

Hi, first with tongue in cheek I would like to say good luck as I have been trying for almost 40 yrs. But I was in denial for the first 20 - LOL..But with that said I would just repeat what AmyB93 and Kidney1982 have said. I personally just got a cortisone shot in my knee so I can once more get back to long walks and hiking just in time for the fall foliage beginning in this part of the world, where covid-19 distancing is a little easier. Yoga I'm told can also be a help with the belly fat; because of the knee I have been looking into it. And there are lots of good yoga videos on YouTube. Stay healthy

neet24 profile image
neet24 in reply to pops81

actually in 3 yrs I almost lost 15 kgs but due to covid and staying home make me lazy so i gained 5 kgs now.. I started doing rope skipping lst week just 5 min daily.. but in one week I got muscular pain near heart which just scared me..

and its something with me that I always have muscular pain here and there , which is some side effects I got from 3 yrs on dialysis before transplant..

Stay safe✌🏻😊

Drdetroit profile image

Before my transplant on 4-13-2012, I lost 70 lbs by doing low carb & no sugar. I walked 4 miles every morning. the prednesone after 8&1/2 yrs has taken a toll & I can no longer do that much walking as my joints & bones are not what they used to be. I have osteoperosis now . the Dr said from the prednesone & I am 69 yrs old. Good Luck & Congratulations on your transplant

neet24 profile image
neet24 in reply to Drdetroit

Wow 😊 God bless you 🙂

And yea I also lost from morning walks and plain warm water.. it helped me alot and now in covid situation i gained some .. starting to do same but as always had a problem with muscular pain so just doing what my body allows.. I am 23 😊

Stay safe✌🏻😊

Googoodoll profile image

My husband received his kidney July 2019. He is a type 2 diabetic. He uses 5 units Levemir twice a day and Trulicity once a week in addition to the transplant meds and blood pressure meds. He usually puts 4-5 hours between meals with no snack (unless he feels hypoglycemic). He enjoys a 1/4 of a small candy bar or a small scoop of ice cream after dinner and this helps satisfy the sweet tooth. This has helped him keep his A1C around 6.5. He also has some small hand weights he uses, started at 5lbs and is up to 10 lbs. You can also try canned foods or milk jugs (start light and work your way up). He can't do sit ups due to 2 hernia surgeries he had before the transplant. He wants "abs" but the transplanted kidney shows up like a small baby bump so he's finally come to terms with it. We live in an apartment so he will walk around the parking lot or take laps in the apartment, lol. It's working, the docs said his BMI is 22.7. Good luck to you!

neet24 profile image
neet24 in reply to Googoodoll

actually because of covid situation i gained after loosing so but still thankful of being safe. we also live in appartment but As my family goes to daily jobs .. and cases are at peak my doctor strictly say me to no go outside.. and as in India this season is of flu and viral infection also.. when one member have it I had to locked in my room.. As i can catch so easily .. and still everything is going great

stay safe✌🏻😊

Dara3351 profile image
Dara3351 in reply to neet24

I started watching portions and eating a 1200 calorie diet. I have lost 25 pounds so far, feel better but want to lose more, at least the weight I was when I left the hospital which I need to lose 15 more pounds. It’s a state of mind....stick to it! Good luck!

Googoodoll profile image

I know prednisone can take a toll, I take it for asthma. Gentle stretching is helpful for me. You are in my prayers. I wish you all the best! ❤

neet24 profile image
neet24 in reply to Googoodoll

Thankyou 🙂

stay safe✌🏻🙂

Jennypenny89 profile image

Hey there! Im 4 yrs post, and here's how i keep my weight managed. I work full time so for breakfast ill do, fresh cut fruit, egg whites spinach mushrooms, lunch i always try to do my best 😋 ill make veggie soup, sandwiches, ( no mayo, use oil and vinegar), i load them up with veggies, and dinner is always challenging becauseof my bf. Lol we never know what to eat. But for exercise.. this may be strange... i play sims on Playstation and ride my elliptical (same time) for about 30 minutes. I work an office job, so i dont get that much movement. So the cycling helps and its in my bedroom i can ride any type of weather. Hope this helps, and can maybe give you some suggestions that may help you. Good luck.

neet24 profile image
neet24 in reply to Jennypenny89

Thankyou for reply 🙂

stay safe✌🏻

Mindy73 profile image

Hi, sorry this is a little late but I just saw your post. When you get the green light to exercise try fitnessblender.com. They have all kinds of free workouts like yoga, pilates, HITT, kickboxing, barre, body weight, and strength training for everyone from beginner to advanced. Kelly and Daniel are the personal trainers and I just love them. They're a lot of fun. They also have a bunch of recipes and articles. The website is really easy and fun too. Good luck! I know how hard is, I've lost 83 lbs over the past 3 yrs and it's still a struggle for me on most days.

neet24 profile image
neet24 in reply to Mindy73

Thankyou 🙂

yea I am gonna check that out 🙂

stay safe✌🏻

Mindy73 profile image
Mindy73 in reply to neet24

You're welcome and you too 😊

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