Does anyone know if can be around someone with shingles I have had kidney transplant 17 years ago my husband had got the shingles I know your not supposed to be around live vaccinations for ten days but what do you do in someone get shingles
Shingles : Does anyone know if can be... - Kidney Transplant

I have been told shingles are highly contagious. Please be careful!
Hello there. Have you ever gotten the chickenpox?? You can't get the shingles from someone else's shingles but you can get the chickenpox esp if you never had it before. I had shingles twice already as a kidney transplant patient. Everyone was fine around me as long as I covered up my blisters and no one touches. Its contagious where the sores broke out so stay away from that. If immunocompromised, you can chickenpox even if you had it once or had the vaccines-- as I got the chicken pox twice when I was little as kidney transplant.. --;;
Take care and stay away from open sores!
I'm unsure about getting shingles from someone but I guess transmission from skin to skin is possible.
I'm 20 years out from transplant and had shingles about 8 years ago. It wasn't terrible but at the time there was no vaccine that transplant patients could use. About 2 years ago I talked to my transplant doctor who mentioned that there is now a vaccine called Shingrex that is safe. I got two shots over a few month, which were super painful and not inexpensive, but I am grateful to have an option for avoiding shingles. I would recommend asking your doc about it as an option.
I am having Shingles since May 1st and had blisters in my left hand and fingers which are now getting cleared. But, I am having Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) pain since then and it is so painful that it is even severe than labor pain.
Doctor gave narcotics initially and due to its addiction effects, changed it to one and only FDA approved post shingles pain killer, Lyrica daily once at bedtime. It’s taking hell lot of time and not sure when I will be released from this pain. I did hear from Dr. that it may take sometimes even up to 6 months or more to rid of that pain.
There is a new vaccine for shingles which I may have to take sometime after 6 months.
Does anyone had this pain before ?
Please be careful about COVID-19 Virus, because there are no medications and vaccines. Even, CDC has no info on post COVID-19 side effects on transplant patients.
Take care, be safe and be away from any kind of viruses.
Hi. My husband who's 3 yrs post transplant got shingles a few months ago. It's really annoying and gives you alot of itches, his doctor prescribed him a medicine and allowed him to use Banadryl to ease the itching. I still slept on the same bed, it didn't effect me at all. Dr. Said if you it's not contagious, but you can get chicken pox if you hadn't had before or not vaccinated for the chicken pox.
Dear Sally03,
Normally I'd say to 'Stay Away' but, under these- already 'Difficult' conditions- I'm going to advise you to Contact Your 'normal' Doctors / Consultants, for advice.
Can I ask you to 'Post', that advice, on here please?
Many thanks and Best wishes, to you & Hubby.
Thank you My pmc doctor say to stay away from it the best I can mostly when they are shedding