Pills: Good morning is there anyone out... - Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant

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Rusty8 profile image
8 Replies

Good morning is there anyone out there after having a kidney transplant a good amount of years and taking pills having health problems that the doctor is putting down to taking these pills

I would love to communicate with someone in same position

Thank you

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Rusty8 profile image
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8 Replies
marcyc profile image
marcycNKF Peer MentorNKF Ambassador

Hi Rusty, I am a donor, my husband the recipient. Also a RN. All medications can have interactions with other meds and side effects. Ask you pharmacist to help with a medication review. All the transplant centers have pharmacists who can help and even if f you get mail order meds you can call and talk with a pharmacist. Best of luck.

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

Yes, Rusty. I am 18 years post transplant and there are days my body really does not like my immunosuppressants. You didn't say what the health issues are......maybe some of mine are the same as yours?

Rusty8 profile image
Rusty8 in reply to WYOAnne

Morning Anne I have a lot of problems going on since 2015 it started when I lost my husband in 2015

That year I had c.diff on 3 occasions which was the start I believe if everything

I already had hip and knee replacements I am in af had spine problems was managing to walk with a crutch then when husband died unexpected I never realised up until then how much he was doing for me so I tried my hardest to do all housework and go back to what I used to do this didn’t work I fell over had blackout which I never had before ended up in hospital with peumonia sorry misspelt then all of a sudden couldn’t walk was told I wouldn’t be able to walk anymore and pain I was getting wouldn’t clear up as I was one in 20 per cent that would have to live with it

I’m sure it is one of the pain killers making me feel poorly ie pregabalin or digoxin

I have cut down pregabalin but that doesn’t seem to help I have a feeling it might be digoxin and I think I will do what you suggested I also have very thin skin and bruising problems I think I am falling to pieces

I can’t go to doctor as we don’t see eye since I lost my husband

I’m sat here at moment feeling nausea and haven’t taken pills yet

Oh well as my friend would say don’t moan you are still alive lol

How are you doing ?

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

First of all, my immunosuppressants cause acid reflux, so am taking meds for that. I take Myfortic causes intermittent diarrhea which caused a rectal prolapse and I needed surgery...

Almost 13 years after my transplant found I had a incisional hernia. Had it repaired in 2013 and due to slow healing from meds, needed to be repaired again in 2015.

I've had an entrapped nerve as a result causing pain. just had surgery again in mid May and surgeon was able to remove 2 entrapped nerves that were hopefully causing all of my pain issues.

I need knee replacement but so far I am just having steroid shots in knees every 6 months or so.

Medications are causing my red blood cells to be abnormally large. so far nothing more than showing up in my blood work

Tough to keep living at times! But it is worth everything I have had to go through,

Donaldson0007 profile image

Hi Rusty, yes, many complications associated with the meds. Stomach upset, chronic diarrhea, hair loss, weight gain. Fun viruses that I now get to experience due to immuno suppression. Ulcers, skin conditions, etc. All the Drs say to me is "These things are nothing, you should just be glad that you are alive."

Rusty8 profile image
Rusty8 in reply to Donaldson0007

Hi Donaldson

Thanks for replying I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets told that are they right or wrong

Yes we are.so grateful for what we were given and I suppose he is right but there are some days I wish differently is that wrong of me

Donaldson0007 profile image
Donaldson0007 in reply to Rusty8

It is not wrong of you. We all have days like that. Survival is no joke. It is a struggle even on good days. The post care and maintenance can become very daunting. Simply have to get through each day. Every day may not be great but we can all find something great in every day. Best of luck to you!

Hola Rusty8, soy transplantada renal hace 37 años, mi donante fue uno de mis hermanos. Ante todo, te sugiero tener mucha fe en Dios y la Virgen, que saldras adelante!!! A la fecha he tenido algunos problemillas solucionados. Conforme mi experiencia personal, los medicamentos inmunosopresores que se ingieren de por vida hacen bien para el riñon transplantado pero a la larga, afectan a otras partes de nuestro organismo!!, por ejemplo las articulaciones, la piel, etc. Para mis otras dolencias decidi guiarme por la medicina natural. Tomo Aceite de Coco todos los dias, empece con una cucharada de te hasta una sopera y tambien coloco en todo mi cuerpo, despues de la ducha, aceite de coco. Para las articulaciones, jenjibre y curcuma en la alimentaciòn (rallado), jugo de maqui y estoy averiguando que aceites esenciales me pueden servir para las articulaciones, para hacerme masajes. En unos dias mas te podre contar!!!

Espero que te vaya bien y feliz de poderte ayudar!!! un abrazo, Chicho

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