Hi everyone! I'm new here long past first transplant holding on for dear life as I head into chronic rejection. I was wondering aside from perscription recourse anyone have any diet or homeopathic remedies to help slow the process or just keep healthy the best I can and hold on to function?
Brand new to the group but not the process - Kidney Transplant
Brand new to the group but not the process
Chronic rejection is nothing to mess with, your doctors should have a plan together...usually high dose steroids, even I am a big proponent of natural therapies you don't want to take a chance in losing your kidney.
Absolutely agree with you! And I am in close contact with my nephrologist and medical team as far as doctors go. But I also wanted to know if there was something out there that people had tried or done to change their lifestyle eating habits homeopathic remedies home remedies something of that nature that can also assist and possibly you know help you keep your function or your health up while going through this so you're not adding any extra issues or at least even possibly slowing down the process of rejection?
Well I can tell you, I have been dealing with kidney troubles all my life and I was always told a few things, never drink colas, watch the amount of protein you take in as it puts more stress on the kidney, plenty of water
I'm sorry to hear you are facing rejection. In general, eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight with regular exercise will help. Low-sodium, portion control, avoiding processed foods and choosing fresh fruits and vegetables instead are good tips. The DASH diet is often recommended: kidney.org/atoz/content/Das...
I am sorry to hear about your rejection. I am in the third year of being a recipient. I had my challenges at first.Your medical team will guide you on the right course of action as I understand that there are new drugs that will aid in this. I will keep you in my prayers.
Thank you very much. I have actually switched teams after going through I've antibiotic treatments hospitizations biopsies new meds, infectious disease specialist, urologist, transplant team, etc.. it's been a long 9 years but now that I've moved back home with family and a new approach in every way possible I am doing better still have things pop up and that I deal with but creatinine is back down to 2.0 and I'm managing to stay out of the hospital so that in itself is the biggest blessing. Still facing chronic rejection but I may be able to pull off a few more years before needing dialysis again so that is the main goal at this point 🙏 and thank you for the prayers! Those are the best thing anyone can give me thank you