Has anyone run a marathon or done other intense physical activity after donating a kidney? If so how long did it take you after donating to get back to running long distances?
Running marathons: Has anyone run a marathon... - Kidney Donation
Running marathons

I waited a full 4 weeks before any exercise, as per doctor's orders. During that 4 weeks, I walked 4 miles every other day. Once I got the ok from my primary, I hired a trainer that specialized in post-surgery clients. My goal was to get my core strength back, and return to running. I would say within 2 weeks I was back to my daily 5-mile runs. The strength training took much longer. I was extremely cautious with all ab work, and hiring a trainer gave me the comfort I needed as to not put myself in any compromising positions that would set back my recovery. I was back to racing in 2 months. My advice: listen to your body, take care of your incision and don't do anything stupid. Good luck!
I was doing some long distance running around the time of my surgery, but had stopped doing half marathons a couple years prior to the surgery. So I can't compare my experience to what yours probably will be. For me, I got back to running a few miles a day and yoga full force and feeling fully like myself after 5 months. I think I had started stretching after a couple weeks, then yoga after a couple months, and I think jogging came back in after 3 months (this was 8 years ago, so my memory is a little foggy). Also - I live in MN and my surgery was at the end of Oct. I was very cautious about running outdoors because it is cold and icy out, so maybe I would have been a bit more aggressive if I had been healing the spring or summer. I did meet a donor who started working out too early in her first month and she had a hernia and another surgery. So don't push it!!!! Think of the big picture - you have your whole life to get back into running and taking a few months off might even have other benefits to your overall athleticism
Post recovery I did a lot of treadmill walking, back to short distance runs by month 3 post op. Didn’t run my first half-marathon until 9 years later.
I ran my first ever half marathon one year after donating and my first full 6 months later. I had never run anything further than a mile or so prior. I figured that it would be a great way to let others know that they could donate and be even stronger and healthier after the fact.
Hi, I would like to attend and participate in this marathon but I live in Morocco. In order to attend the marathon, I must invitation me for obtaining visa to travel and participate. I will be denied entry because of the lack of a suit to attend and therefore I can not obtain a visa
Kelli! Why didn't we talk about this more? Since donation in Nov 2015 I've run 3 marathons and competed in several other running races along with some triathlons (one half and one full Ironman included). Btw, I didn't run at all until after I donated, so I don't really have perspective as to how I would've felt before. My nephrologists have been fine with my numbers, so I guess I'm doing something right. I would say the biggest thing to make sure you do is drink lots of water. In order to avoid having to stop to pee during the marathon, you'll have to run fast Let me know if you want to chat more.
Thanks! This is really helpful! Incredible that you've done 3 marathons!
I know this question was posted long ago but...for other people that run and donate...
Greetings, I know this question was posted long ago but...for other people that run and donate...
I did begin working out 40 days after donation. Walking was easy the entire time, except during the first 24 hours after donation...a little stiff.
Bike riding to work 28 days after.
Moderate to heavy weight lifting at 1.5 months to 2months working up to it...as to avoid a ventral hernia. Normal weight lifting for the abdomen with weights (100+ lbs) by the end of month 2-3.
Racing could have taken place 2-4 months after donation, but I was too lazy.
First 5k race for fun. July 4th.-- (6.5 months post donation) No training
Second 5k race for fun August 5th.--(7.5 months post donation) No training--except July 4th
Fist Half marathon September 21st--(9 months post donation) No training--except 2 race days.
Jogging felt weird for about 5 weeks after donation; only quick test jogs (from the car to the house).
Is there a group, that provides pearls for marathon training?