Hi I m sobia, my kidney work just 25%,I m looking kidney donar can someone help me
Need kidney : Hi I m sobia, my kidney work... - Kidney Donation
Need kidney

Hello Sobia. My name is Ted Garding and I am a altruistic donor. You can contact NKF CARES at 1-855-653-2273; or nkfcares@kidney.org. also NKF PEERS at 1-800-653-7337. These are very valuable resources with people who care, and can give you the support and information you may need. Contact your local NKF office if you need assistance. They will be glad to help you. God bless you Sobia. I will pray for you my friend. Ted R. Garding.
Hello Sobia - When my husband was needing a kidney he contacted UNOS (United Network for Organ Sharing) and got on their waiting list. He also let all friends and relatives and acquaintances know that he needed a kidney. Many people also use social media such as Facebook to tell of their need. As another post has mentioned, contact your state Kidney Foundation and the National Kidney Foundation. Also contact the hospitals closed to you that perform kidney transplants. Today some hospitals do "kidney swaps" / ask your transplant hospitals regarding that topic. Hope this info helps you some - I feel that you will be successful in finding a new kidney and will be well!!! In my husbands case he was fortunate that I was compatible and he received my kidney 7 years ago.

I met my donor through matchingdonors.com
Spend as much time as you can making contacts to all resources. Don't be afraid to speak up and let people know your situation. Kidneys sometimes come from many surprising places and people.
Kidneybuzz.com may have some ideas to help you spread the word, Sobia. They also have a program that does charge a monthly fee, but at least it may help to take a look at what this link has to offer. kidneybuzz.com/find-a-kidne...