My First post here, sorry if I screw up.
I had a standard CAPD line inserted and then all training and a Baxter machine to receive APD. But the line never worked very well. The doctors decided that it was because I am so tall (6'2" is not that unusual?) Anyway the faulty line was removed and a new line inserted - it now runs down to void around my bladder (Douglas Void). So it is much lower than normal in my abdomen.
I have been trying the use the new line for 1 week. The line works perfectly in terms of filling and draining, so the doctors "were not wrong" about the previous line. However, there are two related problems with draining
a) When the machine carries out a tidal-drain (currently 4 times per night) machine I have discomfort that wakes me up. I have to sit on the edge of the bed until the drain is complete.
b) whenever the machine does a full-drain" I undergo around 60 seconds of acute pain as it takes the last few milliliters. I guess the suction is on my surface of my bladder (this really hurts)
Needless to say I have spoken to my the CAPD nurses. They have agreed to tweak the setup from 7 cycles done to 5 so I can get some sleep (this better, but hardly ideal). They suggest I take paracetamol and the tell me the full during full-drain will subside after 2 weeks.
I guess I am after some reassurance from anyone else that has this setup?
That us line into the void around the bladder, and the using APD. Does it all settle down after around 14 days? Do you get a night sleeps with no pain?