For years my blood pressure was low, like 110/50, but these few months all of sudden unplainarily my B P jumped up to around 170/70 , I used maximum amount of B P medicines and it barely works, Do any one has similiar things happened to you? i'm 70, been on dialysis 11 years now.
Blood pressure jumps up: For years my blood... - Kidney Dialysis
Blood pressure jumps up

Hello mingmiley - while I don't have a similar experience with blood pressure as you share, I want to let you know l hope you have had talked to your care team (MD, dietitian especially) to help get answers and address the high blood pressure. I found this resource that talks about high blood pressure and dialysis: can also reach out to for more information and to ask any of your questions about kidney health. I encourage to keep posting here too!
Hi! You really need to talk to your nephrologist- my husband has the opposite issue of his blood pressure going too low during dialysis. His nephrologist helped him a lot
I saw my Nephrologist couple days ago, he told me not to use the calf or ankle pressure monitor no more, that's not accurate. I have both my arms got fistulas. My friend gave me this old watch BP cuff, the pressures always come out low and seem the same no matter before or after I take my BP PILLS, and my BP PILLS STRENGTH ARE THE MAXIMUN, YET STILL MY bp is the same before or after I take the pills according to this old watch monitor, so I suspect it is not correct neither. But at least I'm not that panic, anxious now since the doctor told me not to use the calf cuff now. I wish I had a solution.
I forgot to mention, two and half months ago I got a new fistula on my right arm, and the old fistula on my left arm still works, that's why we changed to do my BP on my calf. probably since then my BP shooting up the the sky.