In stage 5 and on dialysis for 2 months. Does anyone else experience hair loss and night sweats?
Night sweats : In stage 5 and on dialysis... - Kidney Dialysis
Night sweats

I was on dialyses for 7 years I had night sweats,I would wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat,turned out it was one of my meds it was an anxiety med my doctor changed the med and no more sweats🙏
I have an issue with hair loss when my ferrtitn goes low. Im not yet on dialysis but will be starting in jan 2019 as renal function is 4.5%.
Have you had your ferritin checked? I think you probably have iron on dialysis has my renal consultant said I would have it every other week.
Regarding night sweats I do get them occasionally and I believe it's my body getting rid of some of the toxins.
Have you spoken to the unit about it.
Hope you get some answers

Hello. Hair loss was not a problem for me, but night sweats were. it fixed itself so I didn't have to do anything much, I just changed what I slept in and turned the fan on low.

I've had both hair loss and night sweats from time to time. I'm on hemodialysis.