I am Angela Lattimore. I'm a 17 year dialysis patient and a single parent to one son. Lost my kidneys during pregnancy. I don't work but I am an advocate for several nonprofit organization.
Hi: I am Angela Lattimore. I'm a 17 year... - Kidney Dialysis

Hello Seneca_beep! Welcome to the NKF Kidney Dialysis Community.
hi angela my name is rick, sorry to here about how you lost your kidneys . 17 years is a long time, are you doing hemo incenter or hemo or pd at home ? i just started incenter hemo in march but going to do pd dialysis at home while sleeping in near future
Hi, I'm Barb. I did PD at home for 6 months but my Albumin got dangerously low. Now I do in center hemo for ESRD. My hubby is being evaluated for being my donor. Prayers appreciated.
Hi Angela, I know your post was from a few years ago, so you may not even see this reply at this point! I simply wanted to say hello and that I was encouraged when I came across your post. My husband is going on 11 years of in-center hemodialysis, and I know he often feels alone not knowing many others who have accumulated that many years of treatment. I hope you are continuing to do well and stay strong. - Taylor