I'm 3 years post transplant and never salt any food . I know salt is in lots of foods but lately I have felt nearly everything I eat is salty and wondering if my taste buds are changing. Has anybody experienced this.
Everything tastes salty: I'm 3 years post... - Kidney Disease
Everything tastes salty

Me too. Not just salt either. I’m amazed how sweet a lot of food is now. Better to cook from scratch at home
I just quit smoking recently, so everything tastes different... Not sweeter, or saltier... Just, "more". It's a good thing where I'm concerned. 'Cept I might tip the scale a little more when I'm weighing in for dialysis.
I gave up sugar and all sweeteners a few years ago (with excellent results, by the way) and now most foods taste sweet. Really sweet things like birthday cake are TOO sweet. I do like unsweetened baker's chocolate now- it has such a rich, full flavor.
(I still use miso for soup though, which is supposed to be a bit salty, right?)
I had a smile at your post, because the other day I made egg sandwiches with a tiny touch of Mayo as I always do. I never ever add salt and stick to as low salt as I can. Anyway, I am now even thinking eggs have got salty, I was connived that there was salt added, but it wasn’t. I can’t explain it but a definate shift in taste. I love sweet things too, but that’s another story lol!
Kind of late response, but in 2012 while on dialysids for Acute Kidney Failure/injury, once function returned to near normal, I was discharged from hospital. During & weeks after dialysis, everything tasted extremely salty. Perhaps my kidneys and system had to adjust to. Eventually, this gradually dissipated. Now on low Na+ diet. Sodium never gets high. Always below normal.