How much a 35 years old can live with egfr 60 and no proteinurea?
Life expectancy?: How much a 35 years old can... - Kidney Disease
Life expectancy?

There is no answer to this question. You could get hit by a bus, or you could live to 100.
The egfr is not a concern, what you need to watch is the rate in which the egfr goes down. Not having proteinuria usually means it's less likely to go down fast but there is no guarantee, everyone is different and we don't know the source of your kidney disease. There are also new drugs now, we don't know how effective they are yet. In short - no one can answer your question.
My egfr is decreasing rapidly 3 months ago it was 73 now it 60, i am feeling anxiety, stress and i guess i am also going in depression 😢
It's hard news to digest, it's natural to feel anxious and depressed. Are you seeing a Nephrologist?
Nephrologist diagnosed me as patient of nephrotic syndrome last year my proteinurea was 2.9 g/day but after taking medicine proteinurea became negative and is still negative since May 2023, but my egfr is still decreasing i have tiny simple cysts in my kidney as well i am just 34 age, i feel like i am about to die 😭
Sometimes diet and exercise makes a difference, definitely something to try. Kidney failure is not the end of your life, we have all gone through it here and can offer you support. All you can do if GFR keeps going down is to educate yourself and get prepared. You are strong.
Thank you for your support, i hopefully i will be able to live normal life
Hi I hope you’re feeling better now. My egfr has bounced back and forth since 2009 from the 30’s to mid 50’s
I really watch my diet as well as I can less red meats lots of water and check your meds there are some that are not good on the kidneys ie: Advil ( ibuprofen)
My proton pump inhibitor Nexium is also not really good. I’d go over your medication with you Dr to get the best advice.
A good dietitian is very helpful also I try to avoid processed foods and don’t add salt to my cooking.
I keep an eye on my blood pressure.
Some tests that are run with contrast dyes are hard on them too.
Last stress is not good for anybody and I struggle with lots health issues so stress is a biggy with me . Please don’t think your dying 60’s I think are pretty good I’d be ok with that mines in 30’s and 40’s
This forum is a wonderful place and so many great people to talk with while nobody can predict the future at least you are never alone here . Best wishes for you.
I see my Nephrologist every 3 months and do full labs and urinalysis. Three months ago, my urine protein was 2+. I just got results yesterday from my recent labs and my protein was negative. I've been doing this for 6 years and the result varies each time from negative to 1+ or 2+. It's a crap shoot.
I definitely agree that diet and exercise is important. Start a kidney disease friendly diet. Try to eliminate as much processed foods as you can, minimize sodium, smaller amounts of protein, lots more fruit and veggies, limit alcohol. Consider starting therapy to manage stress. Having a therapist to go thru all this with you and whatever might be in your future will be very helpful. Seriously, stress is deadly. Stay on this or similar online kidney boards. Share. We have all been there. You will get support here.
Exercise is also great for stress. But it is also important to stay physically healthy as you can, too.
Educate yourself. You got this!
I never had a even a drop of alcohol, never smoked but now i will try to focus my diet and will eat kidney friendly diet
Please don't modify your diet without looking at your labs. The "renal diet" manipulates your electrolytes and, can drop them radically, threatening other organs. So check your labs and see which ones are in the normal range and which ones are not. Then, address those that concern you with your doctor. Ideally, your doctor should follow-up by taking blood labs every few months to keep everything in balance. Usually no diet modifications are needed in the early stages of CKD.
Have you considered getting a second opinion? I feel it might be good for you to get some clarification of your condition. And, as others have suggested get busy educationg yourself about things you can do if you haven't done so already. By being active in your own care helps you to have some control. Sending good wishes and many positive thoughts
Hi, your case sounds same as mine, my gp was concerned about the function of my kidneys, I was sent to go do Uktrasound and it was seen I have a small renal cyst, then I was referred to the urologist, the urologist said the cyst is nothing to worry about and he was so positive about that, another blood and urine tests were done and after 5weeks that I went to see him, he said there was no.protein in my urine but my egfr keeps decreasing, was 71 before and then dropped to 63 in the space of 5months, and my creatinine level was a bit on the high side 127.So he advised I should be seen by the nephrologist, waiting for the appointment now.
But since my last appointment with the urologist, I have started a kidney friendly diet(a bit strange and difficult, but getting used to it 😄), drink more water and try to reduce stress with the hope of having an increased egfr when my nephrologist appointment finally comes.
Three different urine test, all came back fine, no protein in my urine.
I'm am convinced less stress and maintaining kidney friendly diet would help bring the egfr up.
In my opinion, based on my experience, it pretty much depends on what you do from here on. Nov. 17, 2017, I was diagnosed with an efgr of 35/36. Since then, it has been as high as 60. most recently, 6 1/2 years later, 50. For me, the key was educating myself. The people on this site were more helpful than any doctor. Hydration, diet, exercise, etc. will all help. -One of the names that came up often through my searches is Mathea Ford, RD/LD. I have found that her books have been quite helpful. The ones that I have are:
-Living with Chronic Kidney Disease--Pre-Dialysis
-Create your Own Kidney Diet Plan (which I have done in order to track sodium, potassium, phosphorous and protein, as well as carbs and calories)
You can do much to help yourself.
Good advice all round. Three years ago, my neph told me EGFR would go up and down. His concern was a continuous downward slide with no ups. Hope this helps-it did for me.
Have you spoken to your doctor about possibly starting antidepressants? There are some like Escitalopram that are not harmful to the kidneys and are prescribed for both depression and anxiety
I'm 50 and recently found out my eGFR was 58 as a result of a blood workup from a trip to emergency room. I panicked. I went to my doctor to follow up. I had my eGFR redone and it came back the same, 58. I researched the heck out of what eGFR really is. Most importantly please note that eGFR is an ESTIMATE of your kidney function based on an assumption of your body's surface area. Long story short, I used this calculator to find my eGFR:
When accounting for my body weight and height, my eGFR bumped up to 88 - not so bad for a fellow who eats and drinks too much.
I decided this is time for me to make some lifestyle choices. I stopped drinking for 3 months and followed a plant based whole foods diet (Dr. Micheal Gregor). I lost 43 lbs doing this. I had my bloodwork redone at the end of 3 months and my eGFR went up to 79 - and when I used the above calculator plugging in my new weight and serum creatinine, my eGFR went up to 117!
eGFR is only accurate when your eGFR is low. IIRC below 30. Otherwise it is not a number you should give a whole lot of consideration to. Keep an eye on it and get it checked annually but don't loose any sleep over it. I'm not and I am 20 years older than you are.
Here is my source for the kidney friendly diet:
Hi-- I am so sorry- thats so scary. My son is in end stage and he is 25. When we found out last year his GFR was 13. He was on his way back to college and his whole world collapsed. All the great advice above is too late for him. I think its reasonable to anyone to have fear, uncertainty and depression. Therapy can really help, and it seems like forums like these are a fantastic way to get information and gain strength from others experiences.
I’ve had an eGFR of sub 20 since 1996 and I’m still kicking…I personally believe if you eat right, exercise, stay away from the wrong meds and control stress you can live a “normal” life.