My egfr 4 months ago was 72 now 60, i am fasting since two weeks, i did my blood test during fasting. Does fasting causing egfr drop or something else it could be?
EGFR drop: My egfr 4 months ago was 72 now 6... - Kidney Disease
EGFR drop

If you were dehydrated, it could have impacted your results.
Generally just the missed food and colored liquid intake of a typical fast isn’t enough of a true “dehydration” to have the effects you are alluding too…sure if dehydrated enough it can affect all your blood readings, but you are still normal…heck I have approached your numbers in the last 30 years and they are still normal if middle aged like most here are. But to drop eGFR 12 points or 15% in regards to your previous readings that’s most likely just either a lab read error, glitch in the computation or any other type of mistake by the processor…or it could be just the way your body performs…regardless that’s still normal or near enough to it to not be concerned…and if I were you I wouldn’t give those readings a second thought (well actually if I had 50% of those readings I might do a little jig…lol!). Normal is normal, that number can fluctuate 30/40% as long as it stays in the normal or near normal range…it’s been since 1995 since I’ve had a lab reading like that so be thankful not worried or at least that’s the approach I’d take….my best to you!
It’s all about average…so I’d wish for consistency as opposed to “improvement” but that’s probably because it’s be over 29 years since I had readings like that…I’m envious can’t you tell…lol! Best of luck to you and I’m not sure it’s improvement you are desiring as opposed to a consistent reading. Just remember and if you’ve had labs done for a number of years go back and look at several years of numbers, I do sometimes and I am still amazed at the complexity of our bodies as a machine…my best to you!
lol, most of that was “tongue in cheek” as I can be a smart a33 so I hope you didn’t take offense…thanks for the reply I was certainly not trying to tell you how to act or what to value…it’s a pity I can’t type sarcasm there isn’t a way to show snarkiness via the typed word…lol…really meant it to relate more of my issue than judge yours, if I offended my apologies! Take care!