What is the lowest egfr that anyone has experienced a relative surviving with no treatment?
Egfr levels : What is the lowest egfr that... - Kidney Disease
Egfr levels
Unfortunately there is more to it than just a number. So hard when you love someone so much and you ask the doctors how long have they got and they can’t give you an answer. You will know when the time is near. In a palliative care situation it isn’t as dramatic as you are probably imagining. Actually very peaceful. You’ll be able to sit with him before and after. Even at the end stage of life when people are no longer verbally responding they can still hear you and know that you’re there. Just hold his hand and talk to him if you want to. Do you have any siblings or close family who can comfort you? The fact that you and your Dad live together will be hard after he passes. Just take it one step at a time. There is support available if you need it. For now just spend time with your Dad. All will be okay. Sending hugs xx