Can you take Omeprazole for a few days with stage 3 ckd only I have been in agony and Gaviscon doesn't seem to help .
Omeprazole : Can you take Omeprazole for a... - Kidney Disease
I have been taking Omeprazole prescribed for some time due to a medical condition.
Best to check with your Doctor on what is needed.
I have been taking it for over three years without having any problems. Have your doctor look into what’s causing the issues. I hope you get to the bottom of what’s causing the problem.
I've had upper GI pain off n on for a while but it started getting worrisome so I went to the GI Dr. Previously I was on Sulcrafate, Famotidine and Zofran for 11 yrs due to Esophagectomy for tumor removal with radiation and chemo . New regimen is Omeprazole and have been doing well. Am off Famotidine except in an emergency, rarely take my Sulcrafate but am still needing my Zofran for daily nausea. He is watching carefully as he states it could be harmful if taken too long, about a year at max. It's for inflammation of the upper GI tract and said the Famotidine was hiding the cause of the pain. I have an occasional spat with the pain but we're hoping to reduce from twice a day to once a day, and eventually stop taking it altogether or trying something else if that isn't possible. Hope this helps. Ask about long term affects on kidneys. Good luck, in health.
Dear, Bevgt, I can’t speak to your specific situation since all bodies are unique but let me share my experience thst might be helpful. I used to take medication for Gerd as well as Mylanta type medication for other gastro issues and I did that for a long time. But with the knowledge that I have stage 3a kidney disease I became intent on getting off of as much medication as I could . My solution became avoiding some foods and carbonated drinks and taking ginger, in my case soft ginger candy in place of stomach med and herd med. In most cases I get almost instant relief. It is absolutely amazing what it does for me. I keep some in my car in addition to home. I hope that info was meaningful and I hope you find relief. Aiden
Whete can you find soft ginger candy? I have never heard of it and would like to try it.
I also rely on soft ginger candy. Look for ginger chews on Amazon, or just type that into a search engine. Since I use a couple of them daily, I get a big bag so I always have it on hand. The ones I use are Prince of Peace ginger chews. Another brand name is Gin Gins.
As most have said do check with your Dr , I’ve been on them for a year now stage 3b
Get to the source of the issue and treat that rather than the symptoms you are treating with Omeprazole. One is only supposed to take them for a few weeks or a very short duration. Long term they can do some major damage. Doctors often forget and leave their patients on them to their kidney and other organ detriment. Big pharmacy is the winner. Talk to your doctor and preferably may it be a FM that can treat the source or cause rather than merely the symptoms by throwing drugs at you. Best of luck. Pills for symptoms not exactly what this one kidney lady immediately turns to now EVER. BUT I get the distress of digestive issues. The distress was quickly eliminated when when we rectified microbiome imbalances which Western medicine completely ignores. Again best to you.
The PPIs are not good in CKD risk of further damage. Famatodine fairly safe in CKD. Fennel tea also helpful
Always best to do your own research on these. Especially on items prescribed by your GP/PCP rather than your Nephrologist.
I'm stage 4 and have been taking Omeprazole, prescribed by my doctor, for years. I started taking it after chemo and continue daily.
Even though PPIs are not good for those eith CKD, I've taken 20 mg omerprazole daily for the last several years approved ny my nephologist with no noticeable change in my CKD 3B. I have a very large histal hernia and my gastro doctor said it became larger because of the years I didn't take omerprazole. BTW I didn't take the omerprazole for years because i had "silent reflux" a condition when the acid goes up to voice box area and causes post-nasal drip instead of acid in the throat area. For years. I battled what I thought was sinus problems which was actually acid reflux. Even though I saw a few gastro doctors over the years, it took only one special gastro doc a few years ago, who diagnosed silent reflux, put me on omerprazole and the "sinus-post nasal drip" disappeared in a few days. But, by then, the hiatal hernia had enlarged greatly and now remains a serious problem.
So, listen to your nephologist, consult a gastro doctor and do what's needed for your "specific" situation. Everyone is different.
I had similar situation. with condition and prescribed Omeprazole by my GI Doctor.
Isn't it amazing how a lot of gastro doctors never mention "silent reflux." I'm so happy I found one who did and helped me with a condition that bothered me for several years.BTW How are you doing? Still in Florida and the same location? In the meantime, happy holidays.
I liked prevacid but can no longer take it with stage 3. My Dr. told me to take 20mg of Pepcit at night , it helps me. It's generic Fomatadine and it's allowed for kidney disease. Good luck I hope it helps you.
Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄
I’ve used Prevacid like meds since ‘98 at the 40 mg level. I’ve had and average eGFR reading sub 28ish since ‘96…last 5 years average eGFR 20…the decline in eGFR is natural aging and nothing to do with my PPI usage…however, if you make the decision with your physician to use PPIs then make sure they do increased blood work for the first year or so to make sure they don’t have an adverse reaction in you…Comes down to the fact I’ve had uncontrolled heartburn that would be almost impossible to live with without PPIs and while the science says long-term continuous use of PPIs most likely does cause some kidney damage, my life since ‘96 would have been nearly unbearable…after all life is about trade offs…I wish you the best in your PN journey!
Watch out for omperazole. Talk to your doc. Over time it can hurt your kidneys.
Dear Bevgt, in addition to ginger candy and diet to control gerd and other gastro interferences I choose to take a daily probiotic. Recommended to me years ago by a NP. I avoid stomach meds with a passion and I give the probiotic tons of credit for my gastro health. Just thought I would share that. Wish all of you a peace filled holiday season. I am grateful for this forum. Aidan