Does anyone here take either med? If so, do you know if it affects our kidneys. All I can find is tell your doctor if you have kidney disease, which most meds say. If you take it, which one and how do you find it, helpful, side effects? Thanks.
Lyrica or gabapentin.: Does anyone here take... - Kidney Disease
Lyrica or gabapentin.

Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.
Both reported with potential serious kidney effects eg potentially fatal toxicity (links below).
I haven’t taken Lyrica, but I tried Gabapentin, and it made my tinnitus 10 x worse.
Gabapatin makes me lightheaded and feel stoned, which is uncomfortable. So I don't use them. They were prescribed for my dog who has a meldown during rain storms. It makes her sleep and she stops shaking. Wish I had a more related and helpful comment for you.
I have severe neuropathy in my feet and am stage 4 CKD. Years ago, when I asked my Neph about taking Gabapentin, he said only 300 mg a day. Like some others have said, it made me feel weird and I'm not sure it helped at all.
Thanks that's a lot of help. I was thinking of asking my pcp about it for nerve pain. I might just rethink that.
I tried Gabapentin and didnt like it. It made my head swim to walk downstairs, and I couldnt keep an organized thought in the grocery store. I quit it within a month, so it didnt affect my kidneys because I didn't take it that long.
I took it years ago for once maybe 2x and stopped but for the life of me I can't remember why. I think because it made my brain to not function well.
I took Pregabalin generic for Lyrica……stay away! I took it for pain for about a year. It along with NSAIDS ruined my kidneys