hospital unexpected visit: We’ll I ended up... - Kidney Disease

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hospital unexpected visit

Beachgirl32 profile image
24 Replies

We’ll I ended up in the er my blood pressure drop out 70/35 I had a weird seizure my family call 911

I went to the Er got admitted. Also found a brain aneurysm I thought I stil had a small one they don’t know if this is the same but anyway my post is that a lot of hospitals aren’t prepared for a. Pd patient . I was lucky all but one of my nurses knew how to do it. The hospital I was at has no Cycler so it had to be done manual they had no place to warm the bags so they would bring my bags to the nicu unit and heat them up there.

They sure weren’t as careful as I am with sterile technique I had to tell them a lot . And they weren’t prepare to clean my exit site. So it good to have a bag made up what you need incase hospital doesn’t have everything you use. I had my niece go home and get some of my stuff like except cause they wanted to clean it with iodine or alcohol and I didn’t want them using that. So I learn how important it is to keep a little kit ready incase an emergency happens.

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Beachgirl32 profile image
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24 Replies
Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador

wow, hope you are on the way to a total recovery. Great suggestions about being prepared.

Well wishes

jodaer profile image

Sorry you had to go through that but now you know and kindly have let us know. I hope you are home and in good shape.

RhenDutchess123 profile image

A..hope you are getting better.. Thankyou for the great tip...a "Prepare Bag" could make all the difference...glad you didn't allow them to use Alcohol on your exit site because Alcohol is so compromises our delicate skin there....Keep us posted

Ladyprudence profile image
Ladyprudence in reply to RhenDutchess123

Totally understand about the alcohol. When my sister was in Rehab, she had many stitches, and the nurse on duty started applying alcohol on them. My sister told her that her doctor said No Alcohol, but the nurse paid no attention her. In a few seconds, the whole area was turning blistery red, and she lay there crying. I was so mad I had her doctor get her out of there and into the ER. Had to threaten the Rehab (nursing home) with a lawsuit because they wouldn't let her go. This is changing the focus, but never ever go into a medical facility unless you have a friend/family member who will be there fast if necessary.

horsie63 profile image

oh my I hope you are okay. Ending up in hospital is a fear of mine as out here there’s be no one that knows PD and I’m afraid they’d put in a neck or chest catheter to do hemo.

Did they find out why the low BP? Was it related to the aneurysm?

Beachgirl32 profile image
Beachgirl32 in reply to horsie63

Horsie I’m sorry I thought I answer this the other day no low bp not from aneurysm I started having low Bp when I went on dialysis I was on high blood pressure med when I first started

horsie63 profile image
horsie63 in reply to Beachgirl32

I’m visiting my mom and yesterday getting up I fell over and scraped my elbow. Made me think if it was worse and I had to go to hospital here I don’t have an emergency kit. So what all should one include so I can set one up.

Beachgirl32 profile image
Beachgirl32 in reply to horsie63

I made up zip lock bags with each thing I need for dressing change . I have about five zip lot bags of dressing change.they did supply the germaside they didn’t have except or alcavis. The emergency kit they gave me at davita had a little bottle of acavis and blue clips they told me to add mini cap the hospital did have those.

the hospital had some of the gauge but they didn’t have the 2 by 2 like I use with the spilt in them .

horsie63 profile image
horsie63 in reply to Beachgirl32

I found something Calle “Cleanze”they are antibacterial hand wipes. My clinic gave me some alcohol wipes to clean transfer set.

RonZone profile image
RonZone in reply to horsie63

Hey, sorry I've been MIA for so long. See my comment to Beachgirl below. It will catch me up.

Bet117 profile image
Bet117NKF Ambassador

Take Good Care.. Stay strong!

Porter20 profile image

So sorry your routine got messed up. I am glad you could get your needed things that made you comfortable. 🙏🏻♥️

Jayhawker profile image

Wow! So glad you were feeling well enough to stay on top of this situation!

I, too, found myself in the hospital last April (2022). While I was Stage V, I wasn’t on dialysis. Even at that the physicians and nurses essentially freaked out regarding my data. I have no doubt they would not have been able to handle PD dialysis had it been needed!

Thankfully my practicing nephrologist did rounds at the hospital. I got them to ask him to get involved. That helped calm everything down.

Your suggestions for us to plan for unexpected ER visits are excellent!


Beachgirl32 profile image
Beachgirl32 in reply to Jayhawker

yeah unexpected visit are scacy sorry they freaked out on you. My nephrologist work at the hospital I was at too so that make you feel better knowing you will see your team .

bumblebee_tuna profile image

Hopefully you are back on track and feeling better!

RonZone profile image

Ok, I've really been out of pocket for a while now. But I have finished the huge work project and am now in final stages of recovery from Covid, which took me down hard three weeks ago today. This is the first post I saw once i got back on here and boy is it timely for me.

Between Covid and being overworked for several weeks, by blood pressure was slowly going down since I started dialysis. Then last monday, I got out of bed and felt very dizzy. I checked my blood pressure it and was 80 over 70. Then all this week I've been experiencing dizziness when going from a lying position to standing and even from sitting to standing. It was a very weird feeling I've never had before.

The yesterday, I was lying on the couch watching tv, when I thought of something I needed to do for my dad. I got up and before I could walk three steps, I passed right out, hitting my head on the arm of the couch on my way down. I "woke up" lying on the floor. I slowly got up and got back on the couch. Boy was THAT a weird experience, though tiny compared to what you just went through with a full blown seizure.

But you have put the scare of "hospital" in me. I'm going to see what I need to do to fix this. I also was on high blood pressure medicine until that reading last monday of 80/70. After that, i stopped taking it and haven't taken it for a week, but still dropped like a rock. I didn't take my BP yesterday after the fall, so I don't know what it was, unfortunately.

Since then, I've been very slow at getting up, and wait a moment before walking.

I've been doing some reading today and what I'm reading says that dialysis sometimes takes off way too much fluid. I'm only on 1.5 solution, but I guess it could still be doing that. So today I've increased my fluid consumption and so far so good. I'm going to keep the fluids going in this week up until I see my neph next tuesday and ask about all of this.

I definitely feel for you on this. I can't imaging having to go to the hospital. Not sure what my dad would do if that happened, so i'm going to try to avoid that if at all possible, but it does cause me to think about that possible event and make plans for respite care for him should it happen to me like it did you.

Are you out of the hospital yet? So was the aneurism the cause of your seizure? You are in my thoughts big time as you fugure out all this. Let us know what the next steps for treating this will be as you find out. Take care of yourself!

Beachgirl32 profile image
Beachgirl32 in reply to RonZone

wow Ron you been through a lot yep watch that blood pressure my grand mal seizure not from just the low blood pressure the neurologist think it was from the low bp plus toxins in my body that I wasn’t ckearning the toxins through dialysis they have increased my time to eight and half hour on the machince and increase my dwell time for 1.42 on each cycle I am doing one green and one yellow I finally am not having any cramps so I think they finally got it right.

You need to be careful with that blood pressure you passing out not going to help your dad. I’m sure having Covid made you weaker.

I have to make some decisions about the aneurysm I learn if you have it coil or stent you got to have constant angiogram and those are not good for kidneys could put my kidney out completely and then there clipping which I had done back in 98 but I was a lot younger but in the hospital the neurosurgeon was weighing that may be safer for me but that open brain surgery and I’m going to be 67 this month. I’m not a spring chicken so major decision . I see neurosurgeon may 30. Right now I’m still tired tok a shower today it totally exhausted me but taking it one step at a time.

RonZone profile image
RonZone in reply to Beachgirl32

Wow, that is major decision! I'm sure the surgeon will help you make the right call for you. And yeah, I absolutely get being exhausted after a shower. Covid really takes the wind out of your sails!

Ladyprudence profile image

Good for you, Beachgirl. You were so well educated and prepared regarding your care in the ER I'm sure it saved you some grief. I was wondering if anyone tried to argue with you about what you wanted. Sometimes an ego will get in the way and they'll say they have to follow their own hospital procedures or get that OKd by a doctor. Did you have to deal with any of that?

Beachgirl32 profile image
Beachgirl32 in reply to Ladyprudence

They were actually pretty good I was in the step down unit that just below icu so I don’t know if it would of been different bin regular room in step down they were constantly monitoring me and asking what I needed.

Ladyprudence profile image

Well that settles it for me. I think I'll put together a baggie to slip inside my overnight bag in case I'm in that situation. Thanks, Beachgirl.

Blackknight1989 profile image

Beachgirl so glad the hospital visit went as well as you described but so sorry you had to deal with that…apparently it has forced some hard decisions your way wanted to let you know I’d be lifting you up in your decision making.

Also, great warning I did go last to the ER July 2021 with COVID. As such I just didn’t feel well so wasn’t a big deal but hadn’t thought of the problems you encountered. Thanks so much and best of luck to you!

Beachgirl32 profile image
Beachgirl32 in reply to Blackknight1989

yes still making decision I see neuro radiologist June 30.

I was just in hospital again for an infection my white count was high they never figure out where infection came from saying maybe a virus . They did check my pd fluid is was fine . Hear a laugh for everyone when I was in the er the nurse said they are going to need to check your pd fluid make sure no infection .An hour later they came in with a cup like you do a urine specimen in they said can you open your transfer set and pour some pd fluid in it . I said it doesn’t work like that . In the Er they had no ideas how pd dialysis work thank goodness when I got. Went to a floor they were more educated.

When I was battling my autoimmune disease, I had to go to the hospital while I was on PD because I had this terrible pain in my lower right quadrant. I was amazed that they had a whole floor in one section of the hospital dedicated for CKD patients. They were prepared to put me on a cycler the night I stayed but my neph told them I could get by without it for one night. That morning prior though, I was in the ER laying on a gurney in an aisle and this technician came to me and said she was told to get a sample of my perineal fluid. She wanted to grab my catheter and unscrew the cap to get some. I said hold on a minute here, we need to be a lot more cleaner than this. I told her we need to go to a room somewhere, put masks on, and sanitize our hands. We ended up in a restroom and she did as I suggested.

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