This is for all of us in the USA who are medicare age or will be. \
I see a lot of responses here telling people to just change doctors if they are unhppy with their present doc.. unfortunately it is often ore than difficult to do
When we age into Medicare we are faced with insurance choices. We are bombarded on TV with ads promoting advantage plans as the way to go. The monthly premiums are lower up front but sadly with co insurnce and co pays it can cost far more in the end that a supplement.
The disadvantage with a supplement is the need to buy a pharmacy plan seperately, but there are many to choose from. Good RX is usually cheaper on my meds that my plan.
I worked many years as a case manager for an advantage plan and it ws almost impossible to see a specialist. Their plans save money by keeping you with your primary care doc to manage most everythig. Unfortunately they are not often skilled at many afflictions.
You are also limited by which docs tke your plan, and need pre authorization for most everythig.
Supplement plans have higher monthly premiums but one your deductible is met.. usually 200 a year everything else is covered at 100% and you are free to see any doctor that accepts medicre which is most every doctor.
The down side is with the execption of the year you reach medicre age you need to be underwritten and if you have any health issues like CKD you may be denied. So it behoves you to look into this the year you are eligible. At that time.. first appication you must be accepted and the same premium as everyone else.
Advantages plans offer HMO and PPO with different premiums, but providers still must accept plan. In large urban cities there are more choices, but with a supplement plan you can see any doc in the country as long as they accept medicare.
It is a complex system ..
I have no information on the health plans in the UK or Canada