I have tried to find more info on this leg stenosis thing with little to show for it. I am told I have multiple stenoses in one leg. I also have stage 4 ckd. Started as pain in back of calf, went to chiropractor, that was a waste of time and money. Went in September to get help and my nephro sent me for xray of back and doppler ultrasound of leg. Took those to him, and was referred to peripheral vascular, who will not be seeing me until February (I'm in a Latin American country in a socialized medicine system. Kinda like Canada, but everything's in Spanish. Drs. are great but everything takes forever.) I asked my Dr. why? Just out of the blue, this shows up now? And progresses to right foot feeling kind of dead, although not cold, not blue, in s month's time? He said you have a stenosis because you have CKD, and that can happen. LOL, sometimes I think I might rather they just say "I ain't got no time to explain every little thing to you, peon!" But I see nothing in this community, not one person mentions they have this combination of symptoms. If anyone does and feels comfortable telling me about it, I would be most grateful! Thank you!
stenosis in leg stage 4 ckd: I have tried to... - Kidney Disease
stenosis in leg stage 4 ckd
My husband has venous stasis, similar as to what you have, and the doctors ALL OF THEM have said it is hereditary. He has had surgery twice and it helps for a while and then his one leg gets bad. The last surgery was this summer and they said it might not help at all. He has done OT for months and that helped and PT, which did not really. He is being approved for a leg pump and that will help with the fluid buildup. He also started a walking regime and walks two miles minimum but usually more like 5. He walks at the indoor track at our rec center. He puts his leg up when he can also. He also has CKD, but this leg thing has been with him for way before the CKD diagnosis and he is only stage 3a. NO other edema issues and NONE of our doctors have connected this issue with CKD. He also has venous stasis dermatitis on one leg, and it turns out that putting jut basic lotion on it stopped the tearing of the skin. His leg would blow up and the skin was so dry it would rip. I hope they find something to help you out.
Thank you so much for responding! That doesn't sound like me, tbh. I have no swelling. My only significant swelling was during the 7 years I took amlodipine. They told me it was ckd (😆). Went off the amlodipine and behold! NO swelling! I see the bones on the top of my feet, even. Even when it hurts more than usual (which is enough, thank you!) I have NO pitting edema and at the end of the day my previously repeatedly injured ankle as a little non pitting pocket on the inside of the ankle bone. I hope this will continue to be the case. Now I"m going to google "veinous stasis". Thanks so much, again, for your response❣️
also I was always walking whenever I could, including a routine of two 2k loops at the mall (it's rainy season where I live, so that's safer there). I know of no indoor track anywhere in this country. I like to walk. I do not like to walk when it hurts. But I do it anyway, because I read that the only way to move the blood is to move the muscles around the blood vessels. I start out thinking yay walking! and within 15 minutes I have a massive ouchie. So, at the mall they have some nice places to sit and I sit in them to rest, then get up and walk some more. If I do 1.5 loops it's a good day.
Glad there is no swelling. I googled what you have and I see it affects the arteries. Are you on a blood thinner?
I am not, but this year ai was receiving treatment for Graves disease on top of everything else. This, and possibly other things, seems to be associated with far better control of my a1c! Which is fine wtih me, yippee! But I have always known that wehn my glucose is relatively low (like 65 or below, it's tough to squeeze out a drop to test. And when the glucose is high, it flies across the room when I squeeze out a "drop" lol. But I had forgotten this detail since I started using the freestyle libre. So maybe I should mention this to my nephro and endo and any other drs. I hae to relate to in the future!
sorry for typos. This app is hard to edit, it skips around so I'll just trust that you can deduce what I intended to say lol!
Hi, I am stage 5 ckd no swelling no dialysis but have pains front of both lower legs. Physio diagnosed Lumbar Stenosis from the spine. Said its an age thing I'm 78. Can only walk short distances and need to sit, this is causing problems in day to day life. Nothing said about connection to ckd or hereditary. someone mentioned a medication for blood disorder could be a connection...