I finally got a referral to a registered dietician for Jun 21 2022. Sadly there are no renal specific dieticians in this area. She is affiliated with the nephrologist so that's a help. My question is what to bring...recent labs, older labs going back how far? I can log on to my docs website and pull up my labs at any time. Other than that? Even though my Graves Disease is in remission I still have it and there are thinks I shouldn't eat, and of course all those I can't eat due to my potassium at 4.8 and my dislike of other foods. She has her work cut out for here
Dietician: I finally got a referral to a... - Kidney Disease

Can you call her and see what she needs?

Being affiliated with your Nephrologist the dietition might have access to your medical records and test results?

If she doesn't have access, plan on your labs for the last 3 years or MORE, and a food journal for a least a week or more. Log EVERYTHING and honestly...every snack, every bite, it all adds up. She will need a current med list also. I also recommend a journal of when you eat and why. It is really helpful to see cravings and also..... she will ask about your output. So it is important to keep a bowel record. Do not let any dietician make you feel guilty. If they do, they are not for you. This was the best step I ever took. So good for you!
Even though she's affiliated with the nephrologist, I would still be cautious about any advice until you are sure she is knowledgeable about most current thinking regarding CKD diet. Some nephrologists still feel that diet does not have an impact on CKD. When I was referred, I found out that she was a diabetes dietician and knew little about CKD.
I was disappointed with the whole dietitian experience. Even with my mom's stomach cancer---basically eat what you want advice. No encouragement for plant-based diet etc. When I pressed further on the issue (and this was Mayo Clinic) I was told that a lot of their clients are older MidWesterns etc and basically---my words, not hers---would not follow the advice anyway. WHAT!!! The whole things was a huge disappointment. Even the whole protein thing, no specific calculation for my weight and height etc. You wouldthink that they could do better.
That’s disappointing. I talked to my neph about protein and he calculated what I should eat based on my weight and was receptive to plant based. I hope she is other wise it’s wasted time. All I can do is try.
I think finding out what she has access to and what information she needs before your appointment is a good plan. I'm lucky that my dietician is in the same large group that my doc is in and therefore has access to all my medical records.
I would also recommend taking someone from your household that also has to eat the same food with you so they know what the dietician is saying. I take my hubby because right now I need a hip replacement and cannot stand long enough to cook meals, so he does most of the cooking. He needs to know what she has said.
Well I called over there and I'm not holding my breathe based on the receptionist. She said "You'll see a registered dietician and no need to bring labs, just insurance and a picture ID". Luckily my husband eats what ever I make and if he doesn't like it he makes himself a bowl of soup or a sandwich or a smoothie. He's pretty self sufficient which is good cause there are days when I don't feel good and he's on his own.