Not a single doctor figured out what’s causing all these symptoms. I sometimes feel my heart is going to stop. And I can assure it’s not a panic attack. Because these symptoms begin with body aches.
Does anyone get flare ups at night like joi... - Kidney Disease
Does anyone get flare ups at night like joint and muscle pain, weak nervous system, numbness in feet, heart palpitations and chills?

I have the body aches and pain every night. I'm not sure what a weak nervous system is and no heart palpitations. How do you know it's not a panic attack? I just figured out in the last year or so I suffer from anxiety and I'm 79. Have they run the cardiac tests on you to make sure the heart/veins and arteries are OK/ How is your mattress? Does it suit you needs? Do you have these symptoms during the day or are they only at night? There's a lot of things going on with you and I'm not sure they are connected. What tests have the doctors run, have they ruled out anything.
Thank you for your response. I visited a cardiovascular doctor and did all the tests I didn’t have anything. I’ve seen an endocrinologist also he said there’s nothing abnormal in my results. My mattress is perfect I changed it last year. Most of the time I get at night or when I’m too exhausted. How did you know you had anxiety? Please explain more to me. Thank you
Sorry for not answering sooner but had company and computer time was scarce. I've had anxiety for many years but only discovered what it was about a year ago. I had a kidney biopsy scheduled, I was nervous and by the time i got to pre-op my BP was sky high and kept climbing because of the bad treatment i was getting. The biopsy was cancelled and i started trying to figure out the reason for the high BP. Every time i thought about the situation my BP would go up. That's when i realized this "feeling" I'd had all my life was anxiety. I reschedule the biopsy at another hospital, had wonderful care, until i got to my room but the biopsy was good. As far as your bed goes, it doesn't matter how old it is, it might not be a good fir for you. Tons of pain is cause by bad posture and body position. Good luck, Pain is not fun
How did you know it was anxiety? And yes my bed is comfortable I guess, I don’t think it’s causing any problem. I think it might be long covid because all my blood works seem to be normal!
It's hard to explain but it was just a way i felt, finding it harder to breathe, bp & hr increasing and just a feeling of "yikes". If you've had Covid then it could be long hauler. What did your doctor say about that. BTW are you on a BP med?
Has any doctor ever ran a blood test on you for ANCA? If not, I would request one. ANCA, ANA, C Reactive Protein. Sounds a lot like vasculitis with renal involvement after looking at your profile.
Thank you for your response. I think I did ANA test 6 months ago and it was positive. Does this mean I might have an autoimmune disease or something?
Yes. A positive ANA will indicate an autoimmune disease such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or scleroderma. Your doctor should've addressed that positive test result. I would still request the ANCA test as it too is an autoimmune disease. It can become dangerous if not treated.
I'm not familiar with RA, Lupus or Scleroderma, but Vasculitis can attack multiple organs, especially the kidneys. Nerves, bones, lungs, heart, brain can be attacked. Before I was diagnosed with Vasculitis, my dr suspected bladder cancer. I never suspected cancer and refused to hear the word "cancer". I had demanded the ANA, ANCA and other tests. He kept denying it. I found a doctor that would order the test. My kidneys were in severe pain for 4 months, all day, everyday. I had microscopic blood in my urine. My eGFR was 88, then 87 a week later which isn't that bad, but after comparing multiple blood labs, it had shown kidney issues. My eGFR was 99 just before Vasculitis became an issue. My Absolute Neutrophil count was elevated as well due to the inflammation. My toes would get numb, often tingling. All of my joints would hurt. Muscle pains. I would have night sweats and chills. My lower leg veins would bulge out. I also lost the hair on the lower part of my legs. I was having heart palpitations during this time.
Everything you said I am experiencing it now! Wow thank you for this information I will let my doctor order these tests. Did you get treated? And how are your kidneys now?
I am being treated with Methylprednisilone and a ton of natural anti inflammatories along with diets. I avoid adding salts and sugar and avoid as much of red meats as my cravings allow. It's not perfect, but it helps. I drink water only. Sometimes I add electrolytes and sodium bicarbonate to the water. I also since found God Best of luck to you. My kidneys still hurt, but not anywhere near as bad. I can tell what triggers my kidney pains and will avoid those things as much as possible such as coffee, sugar, salt, red meats. I do still drink a cup of coffee, but only like a couple of times a week and red meats maybe once a week. The rest of my diet is plant based.