Anyone with burning feet . Mines mainly the tops. Feels like someone pouring hot wax. ? Any ideas how to stop it 😂
Hot Feet: Anyone with burning feet . Mines... - Kidney Disease
Hot Feet

Oh yes, I have that too. Weird because I have Raynauds and freezing hands and feet. However, the summer before last the top of my left foot was piping hot on fire. My Dr. felt it and was surprised. The bottom of my foot is like ice and the top was on fire. He said it's Neuropathy. He said Gabapentin might help but it didn't work out well for me with my migraines so I didn't want to take it again. I just put ice on the top of my foot.
Mine will flare up for a month or so, then the nerves will settle back down. I never know when it will strike again. It is better in the winter than the summer, but man is it a pain.
I hope you find some relieve!!!
Mine aren't burning hot but tingle and hurt. I use Topricin cream and it helps a lot.
Have you checked for any deficiencies ?
I’m sure I have a ton of deficiencies but don’t know what safe to take ear or drink I’m starving.
Please don't starve. Eat what you can. It shouldn't effect your feet. Vit D and Vit B12 can cause nerve conduction problems. You may need to take or increase those after asking your Dr. Be sure to take folic acid with B12 or it won't absorb properly and it's a waste of time. Also take Vit D with food or it doesn't absorb, I learned that I'd been wasting my time taking it without food for 10 years and my levels were staying in the basement at 8. Now they are up to 16 on the most recent test, still low but much better.
There are nerve studies you can have on your feet. NCV test. Not fun but it will give you answers. A neurologist or podiatrist will do it.
Are you sure your Chihuahua isn't sitting on your feet giving your hot foot? Just teasing, I know neuropathy is painful, but humor helps right? I have on my doggy pajamas tonight!!!
Maybe gout especially if it happens at night with redness and pain even a feather touched the feet. See or talk to your Dr first to confirm diagnosis before doing anything. If they suspect gout then they will do blood work and extract some fluids from the affected area.You can then ask the Dr to give you meds to reduce your uric acid or you can avoid foods high in purine and drink enough water.
It can be other issues too such as edema or neuropathy etc Talk to Dr
A gentle ice bag...for some reason icing my feet is soothing
I have hot feet at night. I have long augmented my already weird bedtime accessories with a frozen hot water bottle. My feet aren't on it long as I fall asleep if I am lucky, and the bottle does have a cover on it.