What do we think? Bypass that GP who won’t test you despite HBP or diabetes and maybe end the rash of malpractice that sees CKD patients not diagnosed until Stage 4? It is one groups mission it appears. Link:
At Home CKD Self-Test?: What do we think... - Kidney Disease
At Home CKD Self-Test?

I think that's great. Its also gives people who may not have health insurance a way to get free screening. Personally, I think there needs to be more public awareness about kidney disease so people are even aware to seek screening. Kidney disease was not on my radar, but unfortunately now it is :/
Cerrtainly in light of Covid and it's impact on kidneys according to my RD. But I'd have thunk a GP would test if asked?
100% free?? Or is it that the test kit is 100% free ... but it's €300 to process the sample you send in

This is a great idea. The NKF has a stat that 37 million people in the US have CKD, but only 1 out of 10 know they have it.
WEnt to site. It asked me questions to which I said "No" and it told me I am at low risk. So why is my eGFR 51?