has anyone used Prorenal +D multivitamins?
If yes, are they good and useful for improving kidney function and gfr?
has anyone used Prorenal +D multivitamins?
If yes, are they good and useful for improving kidney function and gfr?
It is something I will discuss with my new Doctor. I do take a multivitamin and vitamin D supplement.
Dear vinadhan2,
I'd be, Very Careful, about using ANY Non Prescribed Medication, without the 'Say so' of my Doctors/ Consultants. Have any of Your Doctors/ Consultants recommended any Supplements, to you, or is this 'something' that You Thought a good idea. If it's the latter Be Careful vinadhun2. I WAS Given a Multi- Vitamin, when actually ON Dialysis- Dialyvit, specifically Designed Specifically for Dialysis Patients, it 'Replaces Nutrients Washed Out By Dialysis'.
By ALL Means DO ask, your Doctors though, there could be some Very Good reasons for using Vitamins.
I have been using ProRenal+d with Omega 3 since shortly after being diagnosed with kidney failure. My renal dietitian recommended it to help make sure I get the needed nutrients we kidney patients have challenges with on a renal diet. I have also spoken to the company directly (they are out of a Dayton Ohio) and they have hooked me up with Nephrologist for interviews. Everyone at the company is great and very helpful.
A renal multivitamin is to supplement your current diet and it alone will not improve kidney function. The best strategy to improve kidney function is to managing your underlying cause, live a kidney friendly healthy lifestyle, and eat the right nutrition your body needs (using your labs and health to guide you). I have been very proactive in my treatment (I have gone from a single digit GFR to into the 30s in under 2 years) and this is the renal multivitamin that has been part of my journey.
A renal multivitamin will most certainly be part of that, and it is something your renal dietitian can let you know if you may need. ProRenal+D is often recommended because it was designed for kidney patients and doesn’t vitamins or minerals which can cause issues in kidney patients. Never hesitate to reach out to the manufacturers to learn more - a great company with a helpful product will be more than happy to talk to you. If a company doesn’t want to talk to you - then I avoid them.
James @ Dadvice TV
Many thanks for detailed information.
All my blood reports are perfect on all aspects.no health issue at all except elevated creatinine which is around 1.85 since last one year that is when I took my first blood work done.I am 73 years old and may be it is natural to my body to have elevated creatinine
My nephrologist has advised to simply monitor and continue doing what I am doing.
Awesome - sounds like you are doing great. While I'm a fan of ProRenal+D - if your doctor or dietitian doesn't indicate you need a multivitamin, I wouldn't change a thing. Best of luck!
James @ Dadvice TV
I had taken Renadyl for two months but it not show any improvement at all. ACTUALLY CREATININE WENT UP SLIGHTLY FROM 1.86 TO 1.93
It won't improve kidney function. If it were that simple and easy everyone would take it. They are called over the counter supplements because they are to give the body the nutrients it lacks. Kidney function can decline as we age, so your numbers may seem normal or adequate to your doctor. Blessings
It’s not meant to increase GFR it’s designed to help your body with the vitamins your losing when you do dialysis. You also Work with a renal dietician to make sure your body is getting the right food while Potassium, Phosphorus is controlled.
I thought this is for people on Dialysis, because you lose Vitamins and protein when you do Peritonial Dialysis. The multivitamin is meant to replace the vitamins you lose and a renal dietician is assigned to you so that your body is getting enough nutrients and protein. It also improves your haemoglobin levels so you don’t get too fatigued or breathless.
Why would you take a multivitamin when your body doesn’t need it, dialysis patients need it because of what they lose during dialysis and I would not recommend taking any pill without a doctor saying you need it.
I have been taking it with the approval of my kidney doctor and have done fine on them. 😊
What makes them prorenal as opposed to say any other multivitamin with vitamin D? A lot of times these specific illness vitamins just cost a lot more money. Now, if they say were lower in potassium or calcium as opposed to a regular multivitamin, then it might be worth a look at. Always ask your doctor.