New to possible kidney problems. Been going through countless dr visits and labs since May. Back in May my blood was pretty great besides high bilirubin but I was feeling well at all so I got an ultrasound that showed very mild fatty liver for the first time. No drs are worried about and I’ve quit drinking and started dieting better in hopes to reverse that. Changing to healthier life styles sadly has not helped me feel better at all and my labs have been slightly declining since. I’ve had two CT scans that show nothing abnormal but even though my drs keep telling me my kidney function is great I can’t help but notice quite a drop since May. I started seeing very small amounts of blood in my urine in June which happened twice but only one drop of blood that seems more from discharge. My GFRS started in the 140s and 130s in May then in July 1st they were 130s and 120s and by the 19th of July they are 90 and 78. My drs have made absolutely no mention of this drop and o can’t help but feel worried since I’m currently experiencing a number of different health problems that 5 different drs haven’t been able to figure out yet. Should I be concerned and get in my dr more about these levels?
Why would my GFRs decline in months? - Kidney Disease
Why would my GFRs decline in months?
I think you should go to a nephrologist with your concerns. Blood in the urine has to be caused by something.
Did they do a culture and see if you have any type of underlying infection in the kidneys or the urinary tract?
How are the numbers on the liver?
You made your doctors aware of the increasing creatinine levels?
Well my liver enzymes have always been 18 and 19 but now they are 25 and 29 which is still in range and they say they are not concerned with that. I’ve had like 5 urine cultures and they really haven’t said much about them cuz they have no signs of infection. My last creatinine levels were 0.9 then before that was .71. I ask my dr about my blood work all the time and they never make a big deal of it but that drop is pretty alarming to me and my BUN is now a 6 which has been dropping since May too. I’m getting an appointment scheduled hopefully soon cuz this is driving me nuts that’s I’ve seen drs every week since May and nothing’s getting better and no ones really doing anything about it. I’m only 28 with no history of any issues except IBS so I feel like this should be taken a bit more seriously than they are taking it
Try not to be discouraged. The behavior change of no drinking and better dieting takes time to change your numbers. Consider how long it too to get those numbers, so try to be patient before seeing changes occur. Bottom line, you have to be feeling better from the changes and proud of yourself that you're doing something positive with your health. Good luck and keep us posted.