"Oliver recounted the history of how the country's for-profit dialysis industry came to be — the result, he said, of good intentions mixed with “bad incentives, poor oversight and profiteering.” "
John Oliver on Dialysis: "Oliver recounted... - Kidney Disease
John Oliver on Dialysis

I have found that once you are diagnosed with ckd (and have all the tests that bring in money), you are often forgotten until you are at end stage and looking at dialysis or transplant (and bring in lots more money). That is why we need to educate ourselves and advocate for ourselves.
I agree that there must be some cause and effect and profit. The dialysis centers are popping up everywhere. It's sort of like the abortion problem....find out what's causing it and help people avoid it.
I agree , I’m on dialysis and when I go to my treatments it’s a new patient every time . I’m like wtf is going on
It just seems like there would be more on tv or someplace to inform people to ask their doctors for a copy of their lab work so they can double check for themselves. Most people these days have access to the internet to do research. My husbands GFR a year ago was 8. Two years before that it was 20 and the only way we found out was that I called his dr. office and asked them to mail me his lab results. I told him he needs to ask his dr why nothing was said about his kidney numbers...so dr apologized and that was it. When he was at 10% they sent him to a nephrologist but he refused treatment. Now he won't even have blood work done so I don't know if he is still 8% or lower, but the dialysis people aren't getting his business. He has lost some weight and sleeps a lot, but he still does things like yard work and driving to fast food places for fried chicken or a hamburger and he buys steak every week. It seems like he's doing everything wrong but still ticking along. I don't understand it.
At 8%, there’s a lot that one can do in respond to blood work that doesn’t involve dialysis. Blood levels can start to get pretty out of whack and can be life threatening. To some degree, knowing what they are and making corresponding adjustments can be a life saver. For example, if blood potassium is high, u can still eat fried chicken but should stop binging on French fries and Kale.
On the other hand, it is DaVita that offers the FREE "Kidney Smart" seminars, ending with an armload of printed material on maintain healthy kidneys. It's like a dentist offering a 2-hour seminar on how to help eliminate tooth decay.

Quite a bit of time of the seminar I attended was spent talking about dialysis.
The ones I've attended were presented well with an equal amount of time spent on the various modalities and the pros and cons of each. A significant amount of time was spent on the various stages of CKD as well as dietary/lifestyle changes, exercise, medications, and causes of CKD. The informational handouts were designed to provide a roadmap of where to begin the research to make your own decisions regarding your treatment.
I have no problem with two major companies running the dialysis centers. I know what my options are and in-center dialysis is not something I would ever consider. Knowing that there will always be good and bad centers/staff/management it makes sense to seek other options. Sitting on a complaint doesn't help you or anyone else with issues. Be appropriate and professional when dealing with issues and more often than not you can get a positive response.

What concerned me was when only two alternatives were presented--dialysis or transplant. When I asked for information regarding the third--palliative care, the person presenting was not able to give that information.
The transplant nurse who conducted the one I went to covered palliative care, advance directives and living wills for health care along with all other modalities. Like everything else, it's up to the presenter.

Also, the one I attended was run by a Social Worker, not a nurse, and she did not seem to know much in order to answer questions raised by the group. Yes, it depends on who is presenting.
I've gone to three others to help some who were alone and overwhelmed (asked to help by my nephrologist) and altogether two additional facilitators and they were well prepped but the folks I was there with were more comfortable asking me questions in private. I guess the group size can sometimes inhibit the presenter if they are just filling in for someone else.
The free classes are definitely a marketing/public relations ploy to establish DaVita as "front of mind" for kidney care, so if your time comes, you will naturally think of them and go to one of their centers. And it's quite an effective strategy, judging from the number of references to DaVita on this board that I've come across in the month or so that I've been reading it. Still, that doesn't mean there isn't good information there that we can use and learn from, as long as it's taken with a metaphorical grain of salt.
Thank you soooo much for digging this up. I had a vague memory of seeing this (long before diagnosis) but didn't know where.
curiousmind2019: I read 11 replies to your comment on somebody profiting from CKD which is a chronic disease with dismal prognosis even with transplant. Isn’t this quite economically sound to have entities helping patients in preparing special foods, making and servicing equipment and making money, some so successful to the near monopoly level? Education, seminars, demos and even advertising are services too. It is not too different in other medical businesses either. I agree nobody choose to be sick, there is moral dimension to ponder regarding making a lot of money even with effective remedies. As for me, I view those firms favorably and I am thankful to them. NKF is surely great, its forum obviously helpful, and we have less qualm with it because it is not-for-profit. We also need DaVita and Fresenius (I am assuming here, I had only 1 contact). Don’t we?
It’s been good to hear the different point of views. I personally don’t have an opinion on any of the dialysis centers yet as I am only starting out with my first real training this coming week.
So far the people at the dialysis center have been really helpful, informative and supportive. I do miss my normal nephrologist that I have been following for many years as I trust that he is unbiased and will recommend the best course of action.
natural kidney journey...fb group...people have gotten off dialysis raised their gfr
I been on dialysis since November 2018 I’ve said the same thing.