We are going to reach the highest temperatures so far this year here in upstate NY. I personally hate the heat and especially the humidity. I drink lots of water and try to not over due it. Here's are good article on heat and kidney disease
Heat and kidney disease: We are going to... - Kidney Disease
Heat and kidney disease
What is worse than heat and humidity is dry heat. I live in the middle of Wyoming and Thursday it was 96 with 5% humidity! Before moving here, I never knew that humidity could go that low. And it's been windy.......so going outside you literally feel like you are going to dry up and blow away! Ha, ha. I am 18+ years post transplant and find it's hard to keep hydrated. In conditions like here in WY you don't sweat, you don't even realize you are losing water. Good thing to do, I have found, is take a bottle of water with me no matter where I go. Stay healthy everyone! The mid US is suppose to have severe heat this next week.
I live in bakersfield,ca last year I thought I wouldn"t make it the heat wave was terrible 110 degree remember stay inside and drink your ice water!!!
I live in southern Arizona and completely agree with WYOAnne. Dry heat is dangerous because any moisture you lose via sweat you don’t notice because it evaporates immediately. I find it difficult to stay hydrated in the winter, too, because it can get just as dry. I bring several bottles of water with me year round even when I’m hanging around town. When I have to go into Tucson for doctors appointments (60-90 miles round trip) I bring a whole cooler. Btw, I grew up in WNY.