My son diagnosed with enduring Severe MH, BPD, Schizotypal, anxieties, Psychosis etc, has now waited 18 years to get just 2 therapies DBT and CBT, from HPFT in Herts. The criteria in Herts for DBT since 2009 is, that Patients, quote - need to be "CUTTING, down to bone dripping with blood" or threatning suicide.
Point is Emotional Unstable/BPD is a self-harm suicide disoder, and this criteria is encouraging others who use other forms of self-harm to start cutting. Also, this no doubt is "dicriminating" . I am Devastated and I can see my DD son dying from Alcohol misuse, if this failure continues. NICE advise these patients must have DBT, or equivelant therapy to recover. Professional career now lost.