Medical treatment,and maintaining goo... - NHS England: A Ca...

NHS England: A Call to Action

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Medical treatment,and maintaining good health.

mill63 profile image
6 Replies

As a new member I am grateful for a platform to air my views and comments.

I wish to say that our National Health Service is in need of a massive cash injection, to improve the sitation and conditions for everyone.

The staff do a great job but sometimes mistakes or careless behaviour happens and the usual reponse is "to close ranks and go into a denial mode".

I witnessed this first on few occasions personally and have heard views and experiences from other patients,customers, that have used medical services.

One serious situation involved one of my parents, who had a successful operation for life threatening illness, but ended up imobile and disabled for life, due to poor aftercare.

The outcome was that our parent and the family were put under extreme pressure to organise a care home placement.

This situation was brought about by not organising physio during a induced coma and life support situation.

The result was life changing and our parent ending up in care because of lack of aftercare, wasting the time and skills of operating staff and devastating everyone involved.

The joints in our parent's feet, due to lack of movement had frozen in one position and they rended them imobile.

Our uncle was in a coma for several months, but recieved the physio and correct care and made a good recovery(in America).

We all need to keep strong and continue to keep moving, as one famous doctor said "the chair can be a killer".

This is good advice as complications, such as edema, (fluid retention) can occur from lack of exercise or movement.

The moral of this is keep moving and always keep vigilant when a loved one is recieving medical treatment.

Kind regards.

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mill63 profile image
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6 Replies
etinkwah profile image

Hi mill63 new member-: You fail to mention the severe cuts by Jeremy Hunt, Trusts mismanagement, NHS Management showing indifference to the poor working conditions and gagging still in place so if Nurses or Doctors speak out about the welfare of their patients as many have they will be Ostracised severely

mill63 profile image
mill63 in reply to etinkwah

Ethinkwal, many thanks for your comments about cuts in the NHS by Jeremy Hunt and co.

It should be placed in all polices by governments to spend more money and ministers, to work as a volunteer for a few days in the NHS.

Not forgetting your point about medical staff being unable to speak out.

How will situations etc improve without honest dialogue.


mill 63

I enjoyed reading your post and you have made some really good points. I agree with all that you say, and would just add that maybe we expect a little too much from our very overstretched NHS. We'd all like it to be perfect, but everything has its price and unless we, the people, with the cooperation of our government of the day, are prepared to pay much more in taxes to upkeep it, then we are going to have to be prepared to be much more 'hands-on' in the care and safeguarding of our sick, and our elderly relatives.

mill63 profile image
mill63 in reply to

Thank you for taking the time to read my comments.

I agree we do expect a lot from our NHS service.

We are all very lucky to have a medical service which we can all use.

The government should dedicate a lot more time and money to medical services.

Not forgetting our children are normally born in NHS hospitals and checked over by hospital staff, in case of any complications afterwards.

I have worked in a hospice in an admin role as a volunteer.

I was very impressed by staff and patients positive outlook and care.

Ministers should spend time in the system (front line) as a volunteer.


mill 63

It is politically correct to say that the NHS needs more money. Plenty of people say that so I'm not going to make yet another case for that.

What is almost completely overlooked though is our national approach to health in general.

Imagine if the NHS didn't need more money, because fewer people needed to call upon it, or the same people but on fewer occasions.

Our collective attitude seems to be, fix the sick and injured but don't even consider why there are so many.

It's like asking the fire service to put out a fire, while we all just keep throwing more fuel onto it. The fire gets bigger, so we need more fire fighters. Nobody stops to ask, how can we stop people adding fuel so that they existing brigade can get it under control.

As a nation, we eat and drink a lot of rubbish. We use the car to get to the local shops. We drive to work even if it's only a few miles, sometimes because the roads are too busy and dangerous to cycle along, but often just because it's convenient. We're kind of vaguely encouraged to exercise, but no education goes into the how, so I wonder how many well intentioned people end up in A and E with various easily avoidable training injuries. The official government diet advice is terrible. Eat loads of fruit and veg. Yes, great. For some. Probably most. But as a blanket, sweeping piece of advice without regards for the variations in people's make up, it can result in more NHS time from people with all sorts of gastrointestinal troubles because of the sudden diet change.

The only way to long term fixed the NHS is through education, starting early and continuing throughout life. People don't just need to be told what to eat, they need to know how different foods interact with the body. People don't just need to be told to do more exercise, they need to know how things work, injury prevention, how to spot early warnings etc. People should be taught first aid. How many people tie up walk in centres or A&E with minor sprains or superficial cuts and bruises? Conversely how many people ignore something seemingly minor but easily fixable until it advances to the stage that they need multiple specialist treatments, just because they don't know even the most basic medical principles.

With respect to those in the medical profession, they could help more to reduce the burden. I once reported to my GP multiple joint pains. His advice was to rest and take some powerful anti inflammatory drugs for 4 weeks. I felt fobbed off. I rested, but didn't take the anti inflammatory drugs because I didn't like the risk of side effects. A few weeks later I was back. Refusing to see the same GP again, I saw a nurse practioner. She explained to me that the doctor will have prescribed the anti inflammatory tablets to see if they work. Because if they worked, it meant we knew we were dealing with an inflammatory condition, whereas if they didn't work, then a whole list of possible diagnoses could be excluded, either way,helping to get to the bottom of it. That simple explanation from the outset would have meant that instead of feeling fobbed off, I'd have trusted the GP and would not therefore have needed the second opinion.

So all in all,I think before we go throwing even more money around, we should be looking at how that money is spent, and how we can reduce the burden on the NHS through education.

Mazraz profile image

Totally agree, sadly lacking in physio for patients. Happened to my sister who ended up bed blocking.

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