I was told in a message that I am trying to be the moderator of this website. This is so not true the person that wrote me this he does not know anything about me doesn’t know how many times I almost died or that I am dying I’m gonna die eventually and I do not have to justify myself to anybody nor should we have to this is supposed to be a support group not a knock down insult somebody group and the person that said those words to me you’re the one it’s got a live with yourself if you want to be miserable and negative and treat other people like that you must have a lonely life and I’ll pray for you.
Toxic people and negativity: I was told... - Neuropathy Support
Toxic people and negativity

You are so right. We live each day just once. When it is gone we can’t get it back. What we do with a day is usually our choice so are we going to be positive or negative. My daughter has bipolar, is clinically obese due to medication and has cellulitis plus other health problems. But she never gives up and is a great example of positivity. I am in pain every day but it does not mean I have to be sour.
Yes so true! Bipolar is very hard on your daughter for sure and on you of course. I been suffering for 2 months 24 hrs a day and I come on here for moral support and compassion and positivity and understanding. We all have difficult journeys and if we all pray for each other and for others, we welcome the lords grace into our hearts ♥️ and we are all blessed and loved and by the grace of god we help each other, support each other, inspire each other and just being there for one another, makes such a positive difference in all of our lives. God bless you amen 🙏 my dear friend.
I value all your contributions (even the longer ones) and you are an inspiration.
Thank you 😊 dear friend. Mottsie it makes me feel so blessed to even put a smile 😊 on someone’s face or make them feel better or a little happier then I know I have helped somebody.
Life is to short! Tomorrow is never promised and life is precious. I pray for all on here to just have less pain and more fun good times with loved ones and friends and we all always support each other positively. God bless you amen 🙏 Thank you Mottsie I appreciate your wonderful kind words.
Yes my dear friend and I got out of the leg wraps and into my compression stocking and I am so great full to the lord amen 🙏 I found out that the Ostio degeneration is progressing and thank the lord my hip isn’t broken or fractured a miracle, but the degeneration has progressed lots and that’s why my hip so bad. So this Monday I get a quartizone injection right into my hip. My neuropathy has been causing me to loose the feeling in my hands and muscles are very sore and it feels like moving bricks when you do things and the muscles burn and feel sluggish and so fatigued by end of day. I slept so much in the last 3 days. I guess my body needed to rest. I feel not tired, but my bones are throbbing and my hip as it’s so cold out brrr.
Sorry about my delay in replying sweetie.
Oh Hun I’m so sorry to hear about all of that. You poor thing.
We’ve been having the worst Winter weather the past 5-6 weeks. It’s so dangerous but He has kept us safe and provided everything for us in His merciful grace. Praise and thank Him.
Bless you sweetie. I pray that you will be able to recover from as many of your afflictions as possible.
Take care sweetie. Sending healing hugs 🤗 kisses 😘 love ♥️ and prayers.
EJ 😊🌿🌸🦋🙏🤗♥️🥰😇🕊
Hi honeybug it’s been a while on here but yeah the Lord is watching over us truly had my Cortizone shot in my hip on the first and on 4 February I fell in my kitchen I was on the stool and it slid out from under me and I don’t know where it’s at and I hurt my already torn shoulder re-injured my already broke and needed something in him and it’s swollen all the way around so it’s causing problems with my lymphedema compression stocking broke another toe on the left foot hurt my lower back ,and bruised my ribs, got a concussion and Have been suffering in pain. My pain doc had me on Toradol but that they had to take me off of it because they were worried about abdominal bleeding which I had before gastritis and put me on naproxen but it wears off way too quick and I only get to a day I don’t want my main pain meds but it only works so much and so other than to the doctors I have not been out of my house since I fell as I hurt my lower back and as you know I already have a slipped disc in the lower lumbar and so my lower back is bothering me so I’ve been walking around in the house trying to help my body as much as I can but the pain rate now is overtaking the heart but I’m compromising just to do whatever I can’t even if it means walking from one end to the house to the other so many times a day to keep my back strength up but then I have to watch because my legs give out after so long and I fall and due to my hip being in a lot of pain if I stand or walk for too long sit for too long and it hurts so bad. Been so fatigued since my fall and have the same cold for a month now. I miss chat with you and I pray for you all the time I pray for all of you are here and I sure hope you’re doing well and you’re not in a lot of pain and that you’re feeling pretty good and the good Lord is watching over you and I and everyone else and I always ask him to bless and protect everyone on here and help lessen their pain. Amen 🙏 my dear friend ☀️😊🙏⭐️🌹💪🏼💜💜🤓🤓😂😂😂😂🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🌹🌹🌹💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💜💜💜💜😊😊😊😊☀️☀️☀️☀️🙏🙏🙏
Hi Hun
Oh I’m sooooo sorry about all of the additional injuries you have from your fall. Bless your soul. As if you weren’t already going through enough.
I replied to your original post about the accident and have been so concerned about you.
Be sure to keep watch for symptoms regarding your concussion...I suffered a near fatal closed head injury at age seven and it has caused complications all my life.
I just said a special prayer for you dear.
You take care of yourself sweetie and know I really care about you.
You are such a joy and pleasure in your posts.
I pray the Lord ministers unto your every need and blesses you abundantly.
Update me when you feel up to it.
Sending you healing prayers 🙏 hugs 🤗 kisses 😘 and love💗.
EvaJo. 😊🌿🌸🦋🙏🤗♥️🥰😇🕊🌿🌹🙏
God bless you amen 🙏 granny b! Yes had my cortisone shot in my hip 4 days ago and I still in agonizing pain as well as my hands keep going numb. I sleep as much as my body needs. I don’t fight it anymore and I just rest. I walk around and I hurt so bad. They said it takes up to a week to fully get into all of my hip. I pray to the lord it worked or I’m in big trouble as had to be taken off the Toradol as I had Gastritis (bleeding ulcers) before and my pain doc worried I could bleed to death in my stomach and or something could rupture and I have another bad cold. I feel ok spirit wise, but broke down yesterday from the pain and prayed to god and I feel better again as he lifted me up amen 🙏