What can be done for a neuropathy flare ups? I have periodic involuntary muscle spasms. Have read that there are triggers such as diet, contradicting medications. and stress. nervepainguide.org/neuropat...
Neuropathy flare up: What can be done for... - Neuropathy Support
Neuropathy flare up
Although the article does mention some supplements it doesn't address the root cause of neuropathies is often INFLAMATION rather than avoiding saturated fat which is generally a lot safer compared to industrially make proinflamatory omega 6 seed oils its the refined carbohydrates and sugars/fructose addes to processed and ultraprocessed foods that are promoting inflammation, obesity, diabetes and these raise blood glucose levels which in turn forces the body to raise insulin levels which not only make you store more fat, but also deplete vitamin d and magnesium status so immune function is worse. And we have all seen how some people, the overweight, obese, diabetic suffer the most severe consequences when infected with covid. Humans don't require any carbohydrate intake at all. We can make all the sugars the brain requires without the need to consume any, in practice people consuming a ketogenic or fasting find they are more alert when the diet contains virtualy zero carbs. Because modern processed foods create vitamin d and magnesium deficiencies everyone should be supplementing with once daily 5000iu vitamin d3 and 200mg mangesium twice daily. Most people require more omega 3 1300mg-1900mg to correct the balance between omega 3 and omega 6, while eliminating all industrially made omega 6 seed oils (corn, soy, sunflower, cottonseed canola etc)