Does anyone else with Peripheral Neuropathy have problems with there Heart? I got diagnosed with my Heart Problem first and now been diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy but I’ve read that it can affect the heart?
Heart Problems and Peripheral Neuropathy - Neuropathy Support
Heart Problems and Peripheral Neuropathy

Oh, that's interesting! I was diagnosed with heart problems 30 years ago. I developed neuropathy last Summer. It was being investigated but the virus came along and everything went on hold. I hope others on here will send in their comments.
Hi I too have peripheral neuropathy in feet and legs for about 8 years
My heart tests up to now have been relatively normal
Pain constant and still battling so do not worry just keep your heart monitored
Hopefully new treatments are in the pipeline eg nanotechnology
But human tests have not started as yet
Still hoping,keep smiling
OMG... Please don't tell me this!!!
I have had Severe Idiopathic (unknown causes) Neuropathy that Dr's think was inherited from my father for 18 years, in both feet and now both hands.
On Jan. 5, 2018, I suffered a Massive Widow Maker Heart Attack. I have noticed my neuropathy has gotten a lot worse the past 2 years, where it has caused me to retire from a 36 year old law practice, and accept Social Security, early. I am now 64 years old and looking at the late years of my life spent in horrible, miserable pain.
What affect are heart problems with neuropathy? I have never heard this from any of my docs.
Please let me know what you may have found and I am most definitely going to discuss this with my docs at my next appointment. Thank you.
There is a relation between the two conditions.
Please check the following link ( pdf) ( copy & past in your browser)
Hi Bethany, @RoadRunner44, and all:
I have suffered horribly 24/7 due to Stomach Cancer partial gastric resection surgey and Chemotherapy poisons that destroyed my prior excellent health after clean life full of rigorous exercise.
I got 47 known side effects of daily Gleevec Imatinib Chemo, which nearly killed me < 3 months (as I have MTHFR gene mutation), including bilateral Peripheral Neuropathy which continues years later as the partial gastrectomy to remove 7.5 cm Stage 3A GIST stomach Cancer tumor caused me Vitamin B12 mal-absorbtion (Stage 3A stomach Cancer has 80% 5 yr death rate and average survival of 2 5 yrs and I know too many who died from it and other types of Cancer)! So both it and Chemo led to plethora of painful neurological disorders, including chronic fatigue and nausea with awful intractable skeletal muscular spasticity that damaged my spine as it destroyed my sleep for years.
Anyhow, Peripheral Neuropathy is a known side effect of Vitamin B12 Deficiency so you may want to check articles for symptoms and get blood tests of Vitamin B12 levels as it and Chemo both can lead to heart damage and edema as and which I now also suffer.
I spent years in pain reading and studying scientific and Medical articles on all this so I can educate and work with my 30+ doctors on my complex health issues, so they can order tests to confirm source of my many health issues, so call and email me if you want more.
John M (862-222-4535)
Hello All, I too have peripheral neuropathy and now suspected autonomic neuropathy...but again all tests on hold due to COVID. Has anyone experienced terrible bloating/swelling, liver and/or kidney problems?
I suspected kidney problems but my blood tests come back perfectly normal. I say "perfectly normal" because my ranges are neither close to the higher limit nor close to the lower limit. They are right at the midpoint. Which is great but gives me no clue as to what is wrong.
Hello, I have both peripheral and autonomic neuropathy. Started with peripheral moved up leg into rest of body. Autonomic started last year with trouble eating, digestion, constipation and extreme bloating from just liquids. Align has helped with the bloating. I am now having lung, heart issues. I have had constant pain in right upper abdomen. My liver and kidney function tested fine so suspected chronic pancreatitis which is being tested. That's worth a look as well as trying align. Multiple small meals a day as well of easy to digest foods.
Hi there Bethany .
I had my heart attack 2 years ago. Finally diagnosted with Polyneuropathy this year but have these problems for a few years now. I did do some research and found a research that points out that there is a clear relation between polyneuropathy and heart issues. Polyneuropathy might affect the bloodvessel wall, makes it less flexible and therefor increases the bloodpressure.
I can send you the research in pdf if you like.
For me it was not logical to get a heart since I have no specific issues that can classify me as a possible heart patiënt.
Copy & paste in your browser !
You Will get a pdf with the