If anyone here,who has chronoc perineural neropathy in there feet,just want to hear about the pain you go through,mine is so bad id cry during the day and night,this condition is the worse ever,im going through nerve block injections,to calm the pain.
PAIN: If anyone here,who has chronoc... - Neuropathy Support

Yes I get very bad cramping and burning and it feels like my feet are on fire and constant throbbing and spasming I recently been put on flexoral (a muscle relaxant) and they just recently upped it to three a day I am finding it somewhat beneficial it’s not totally taking the pain away and of course I’ve got it all over I have muscle pain all over my body it’s just hard to get dressed or hard to get motivated you feel sluggish and when your feet and your toes and everything is burning and you get the burning tingling in that hot sensation where it feels like they’re on fire and then the point where you feel like you’re getting Charlie horses and it’s just lots of pain and we all know how that feels and I feel ya and we all feel on here cause we know , how aweful pain is and how we try to learn to adapt around pain. I totally recommend getting into a pool where there’s buoyancy or a hot tub at public pool. It does feel soothing. Are you on any muscle relaxant? If so maybe your dose needs to be upped. Something to ask your doc. I too have suffered depression all my life as it coincides with chronic pain. I take Busporine and it’s helping with my chemical imbalance and with the neurotransmitters that control the Central Nervous System that throughout the brain and body can be blocked nerves Ext. We all need to keep updated with our docs and to use our body and mind to help ourselves and each other’s journeys and be positive and caring and compassionate and always be here for each other, as we take one step at a time and one day at a time, we together can accomplish lots. Remember! LIVE LOVE ❤️ LAUGH , HOPE AND BELIEVE IN GOD AND EACH OTHER! Amen 🙏
You have my sympathies
I am resting in bed with feet on fire at moment
I have chronic pain for about 5 years so I know your distress
Pain levels 6-10
I am just reading Life after pain by Kuttner it is one of the better books about chronic pain
Believe you me I've been through the lot of treatments
Currently on Amitriptyline 10 mg at night and low dose tolfedine during day
Maybe has helped a tiny bit but I feel so drowsy during day on such a low dose
Just in contact with a pain researcher
Trials starting on nanotecnology drug for
Pain management
One injection lasts for about 9 months
Wouldn't it be wonderful
Imagine waking up each morning with little pain ( bring it on)
Watch this space
Through the despair don't give up
Hello what is the trial drug/injection if I may ask? Thank you.
I've had IDIOPATHIC (unknown causes) NEUROPATHY GOING ON 18 YEARS... My DR's think it's inherited from my father who passed away in 1998 at only 68 years... I'm 64 now and sooooooooo.... My pain is so bad in both feet that I scream for 8, 10, or 14 hrs. a night... EVERY SINGLE FRIGGING NIGHT... It's the worst pain I've ever had in my life!!!! Both feet feel like they're size 20's and my left foot throbs every minute...
My right foot throbs, feels like it's splitting in half with a shot of pain half way up to my knee, and it feels like somebody's stabbing my right foot with a knife every second... The pain lasts till 4, 6, 8, up to 9:30 am EVERY SINGLE FRIGGING NIGHT... And all my DR's say is keep taking your meds... Well I'm up to 18-24 (300mg) GABAPENTIN, and 8-10mg Oxycodone every night...Plus I rub LIDOCAINE Gel 8% and 3 or 4 other pain relievers, either creams or gels all night, usually 3-4 times a night just to relieve the pain...and lately BOTH FEET FEEL AS THOUGH THEY'RE ON FIRE...!!!!!
IT IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!
Looking for ANY IDEAS to relieve my pain...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are any of the meds giving you relief
treatment of PN can be hit and miss
I've been on all those meds but could not tolerate side effects
I know your pain, have to put my feet into cool water at night if I wake up in pain
I am now on amitriptyline/nortriptyline
And getting a night's sleep albeit drowsy next day ,try one or other
Unfortunately I have pain you describe during the day
Yes I've cried in despair at times as I used to be so active
Have this intense pain for 5 years
I have to fight the anger and frustration as this does you no good
So try to be easy on yourself easier said than done
I cannot walk with the pain but try and use an electric trike as often as I can and of course mobility aids
It's a tough one friend and I try to distract my thoughts from the problem
Not easy
Waiting for miracle drug!!