I have been dealing with Peripheral neuropathy for at least 10 yrs,was on Cymbalta and Lyrica which seemed to work.Recently have stopped taking as many prescriptions as I can for side effect reasons and now the pain has started to come back.Really don’t want to start up on meds again if possible and I am looking for healthier alternatives and also hope to find a Doctor who deals with this because my family doc is a moron and pill pusher.I live near Toronto Canada and would love to hear some responses.Thanks for listening
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Welcome to the group. Definitely taking too much medications has it's down fall. You basically end up with more medication than you bargain for as you will be forced to take medication for side effects triggered by your prescribed medication. They are a lot of non pharmacology treatment you can attempt. I find they beneficial and like medication the relief is temporary. There is Reflexology, Hydrotherapy, mindfulness, acupuncture, mysoffacial release. I hope this answers your questions
Thanks,any info is very appreciated.Cheers
I wrote a short time ago, entitled Shared Experience. I writing about Neuropathy. Try the Mayo Clinic web site....it clearly is complicated. But interesting to see stress on vitamins, especially the B's and walking.
Trying to locate the national health service of the UK which has excellent info. I am in Toronto, hope to go to Walking and Mobility Clinic soon, had referral from my GP. Will report back.
That’s interesting,I’m not to far from Toronto and would be really interested in any info you can find or hear about.Cheers
Terry...check out mayoclinic.org...very interesting and helpful. The B 1, 6, 12 and niacin and Vitamin E recommended. No side effects there.
And I shall report back to you after my appointment with the Walking and Mobility Clinic. You can also see their web site google walking mobility clinic Toronto, incidentally they have many clinics spread throughout Toronto area. and they told me they treat peripheral neuropathy. Here's hoping there is some success there.
I am a big advocate of medicinal weed,my problem right now is that I don’t want to be high but I want the relief.Is that an option with edibles
Was wondering more about CBD oil,but trying to find a reputable source is tricky right now,too many Chinese knock offs out there
Hi Terry......I have been looking for something too to ease the pain, have been on a pain patch and percocet for the last few months, and want off, because of the addiction possibilities. Talked with a pharmacist the other day, and he suggests taking turmeric spice, twice a day. 1/4 tsp mixed with yogurt or milk. Says its a great pain reliever. So, this week, I am going to try it.
I have been taking Turmeric for a couple of weeks,not sure how much it is helping.How much can one take,and how much is too much.I am finding that with all these unknown treatments that it seems that some depression and anxiety is creeping in.Frustrating because now I’m not sure what effects are being caused by this.Stomach pains and a spacey head seem to be common now,with the odd chest fluttering sensation.Christ I hate this.Really toying with the idea of going back on the Cymbalta but really don’t want to.The waiting time between dr visits don’t help the situation either.Thanks for listening..Cheers
Have you tried alpha lipoid acid, vitamin B complex and acetyl-N-Carnitine? They are beneficial to the nerves. I am taking these for my nerve pain and I find them helpful.
I am also on Cymbalta and Gabapentin. I don’t like cymbalta as it seems to cause excessive sweating and I would like to wean it off. However, I tried several times to taper off but found it difficult, headache and dysphoria. How did you manage to come out of Cymbalta?
Hi Paciifica2,thanks for responding.I weaned off the Cymbalta by cutting the dosage over time,probably not the smart way as some people say but it worked for me.Now I’m not sure if I should have because the symptoms have returned and I feel terrible.I wanted to try and handle the pain and such naturally but I don’t seem to be winning which has now made me a little depressed and anxious.Have some dr appointments next week that I hope will help with everything but I’m not overly confident in most drs anymore when it comes to neuropathy.Trying hard to stop feeling sorry for myself but it’s like banging your head against the wall.Thanks for listening