Has anyone had a lumbar puncture? Did it help diagnosis? I have potential chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and my arms are getting slowly weaker. I would appreciate any input. My world us shrinking.
Lumbar Puncture : Has anyone had a lumbar... - Neuro Support
Lumbar Puncture
Hi…I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I just had an LP done Monday. Is there something specific you’d like to ask. As I haven’t sat down with all my physicians to discuss results. The preliminary has helped to make decisions in my treatment plan. Based on what you wrote, I’m assuming you’ve had other tests and an LP can assist physicians by looking at spinal fluid. My physician said any findings in fluid would make an impact on which drugs were best to treat me. So it is an important test. I suffer from neurological symptoms from APS, Lupus, lots of issues, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, visual disturbances, gait abnormality etc. let me know if I can further help you…feel better ☺️
Thanks for your reply, your kind words and willingness to share. Its such a shock to have my whole world collapse in such a short-time. I have been diagnosed with CIDP based on nerve conduction tests and in the last month its become a lot worse. I can now barely move my arms without considerable effort and breathlessness. I have managed to get a cancellation Lumbar puncture appointment. And yesterday had further blood tests. I was previously referred as a Vasculitis suspect based on slightly raised ANCA PR3 scores but the specialist dismissed this based on my symptoms back then that were negligible. I still don't have typical vasculitis symptoms.
I am worried that I will be near paralysed or confined to a wheelchair. I have had to quit work. I thought I had manageable Peripheral Neuropathy. I'm frankly scared.
I had to Google APS, though as an optometrist am familiar with Lupus. It reads like you've had it tough. I really appreciate your reply. I wish you well.
Thanks again. 🙂