Recently I was diagnosed with amongst other things a complex migraine with neurological and vestibular symptoms. I've known for a long time that I had auras, visual auras with migraines. I didn't realize that they came in other flavors. Wow!
A year ago I experienced a bad case of vertigo which has not resolved. It has taken quite a while to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment. We are now in the "Let's see what medicine is going to work" phase of treatment.
I am blessed to work with one of the best neuroimmunologist in the country and I have hope, for the first time in a long time I have I hope that this can be managed. I know it'll never go away completely, well not while I have a pulse, but I know that we can develop some tools to help tackle this beast. Maybe I can get my life back now.
Anyhow, that's me.
Blessings to all.