Hi everyone, as yet I am undiagnosed but have classic symptoms of IBM or Polymyositis. I am 63 & this happened to me overnight late June this year. For many years though I have had episodic extreme tiredness, headache & nausea particularly after physical exertion. Supermarkets did me in & I could never understand why my legs could take me no further. Yet complete rest, day later feel ok again. Now my legs, arms & hands seize up. At 4:30 am I eat small bun & take 20mg Prednisone. By time I awake say 8-8:30, stiffening is easing but all limbs, hands feel odd. The hands sometimes collapse altogether. This I have never experienced until the last 3 months. Funnily enough as the day goes on, although sort of wobbly on legs, by 7pm feel most like old self physically.
My observation therefore being inactive asleep, the muscles & body shut down somehow & become rigid. Cortisone starts everything up again & moving throughout the day keeps everything to a certain extent, ticking over.
Next week I see a rheumatologist for first time. I guess a diagnosis will come. My question to the doctor & the community here, which I fear will not be a straight forward answer, is can I resume my 2-3 mile walks again, or will this worsen my condition?
Thank you in advance for anyone’s advice about walking.