Please sponsor me to support my effort and/or in lieu of a birthday gift.
I am fast approaching the age where a mid-life crisis is inevitable. I feel the need for a challenge - as if being a petite mum to a 98 percentile 14 month old boy isn't hard enough!
My aim is to walk a marathon in chunks during the month of September with "Race At Your Pace".
I will never be able to run a marathon but there is no reason with a bit of planning and dedication that I cannot achieve a broken one.
You may or may not know that I was diagnosed with Juvenile Dermatomyositis just before my 6th birthday although looking back you could see I had been slowly declining in health for at least a year before. My immune system, the cells that were there to protect me from bugs and viruses were finding fault with my muscles and sought to destroy them. My muscle cells and the cells constituting the blood vessels around my muscles supplying nutrients and oxygen were viciously attacked causing muscle destruction and shrinkage. This resulted in a child who was once an active gymnast and dynamic dancer to a lethargic tearful internalised girl.
Continued on link & photos: