medical complications: Hi Group, please... - My MSAA Community

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medical complications

Sandydemop profile image
37 Replies

Hi Group, please let me know if you identify and how you address it.

So because i am weaker on my right side, apparently i'm putting most of my weight on my left leg. this has caused achilles tendonitis. and because it hurts to walk i have been more stationary which is probably the cause of swelling in my legs and feet. because of the above i have fallen a few times lately, no injuries due to extra padding but i had a couple of near misses. What about you?

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Sandydemop profile image
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37 Replies
erash profile image

so sorry for these cascade of ills and wishing you wellness 🤗

While I’ve not experienced your specific issues, I’m all too familiar with deficits leading to compensatory habits that lead to further deficits…and it’s really hard to reverse these long standing compensatory behaviors. But awareness is the first step. I’m working on it…wip work in progress

Sending u 🤗

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to erash

thanks erash. Can you share how you manage?

erash profile image
erash in reply to Sandydemop

I have mantras that I say to myself when I wake up. Almost a nursery rhyme that reminds me to walk with good posture, not to wall walk, drink water etc. then I try to stay aware of my posture etc throughout the day and repeat my mantra. If I catch myself compensating, supporting myself on my arms etc, I try not to get angry at myself, practice self-kindness and correct the behavior. It’s a struggle and definitely a work in progress. Also with pain I try to smile, breathe and not grimace.

A bit woo woo but I’m open to other suggestions 🤷‍♀️

starlight5 profile image
starlight5 in reply to erash

I especially like the smile with pain suggestion. I've done that in the past, needed the reminder. Thanks.

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to erash

Hey Erash, thanks for the detail. Is it too much to ask what your nursery rhyme is? and self kindness is big too. thanks for your practical and supportive answers. I do like to remember to sit up straight and pull in my pelvis whenever i'm at the computer.

erash profile image
erash in reply to Sandydemop

pppp = pubic pocket pronate posture (I walk bent forward at waist. This reminds me pubic bone forward, hands in back pockets —> pelvic tilt to correct posture. Then I roll my ankle out/supinate. If I pronate/walk on inner foot I balance much better and reduce falls.

Another is w nww. Water, no wall walking/furniture walking.

They’re silly, but work for me. Though I wonder when these will become automatic and I can do away with the rhymes.

All bets are off at night when I’m tired and I give myself grace in the shower—death grip on the shower bars etc.

Btw good posture allows you to breathe better. Breathing better gives more energy.

And starlight5 in those “fear moments” I remind myself to breathe because I’m either holding my breath or shallow breathing.

Love to know others’ life hacks 😌

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to erash

excellent and practical again. thank you very much!

mrsmike9 profile image
mrsmike9 in reply to erash

I used to have wonderful posture until I got old. I am 6' tall and there is nothing worse than a tall woman, hunching to minimize height. It looks terrible! I have to remember to keep my shoulders back. When they roll forward is when I hunch.

erash profile image
erash in reply to mrsmike9

worse is stopped over 5ft woman 😂

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to erash

I think these are very good things to do :)

KarenUSA profile image
KarenUSA in reply to erash

your mantra idea is my-go technique to also address compensations. I do the MS Gym exercise videos and the mantra is BGB… butt, gut, blades. Very similar idea.

erash profile image
erash in reply to KarenUSA

agree his BGB also 👍👍👍

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to KarenUSA

thanks Karen. I was doing the MSgym and left because i wasn't using it. Glad you are getting benefit from it.

starlight5 profile image

Thankfully you were not hurt with the falls.

My right side is weaker too so I understand how compensating leads to another issue and another... I pulled a muscle in left chest recently and was surprised by the pain to realize how much more I use my left hand/arm even though I'm right handed, a combination of habit from when I broke my right wrist and right sided weakness.

The rollator has saved me from many a fall and I try to never be more then a couple steps from a wall or piece of furniture. Otherwise I've found myself in the middle of a room, scared to take another step!😏

erash profile image
erash in reply to starlight5

that “fear” is the worst 😢

Fear has limited me so much. That’s the other self-talk I do, “slow down, think through the action, then do it” safely of course and baby steps

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to erash

makes good sense. I used to wonder why old people were so slow. I don't wonder anymore. 😉

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to starlight5

Hi starlight5 thanks for your feedback. I fell again today but nothing broken, thank goodness. scraped my knee. I like to say i used to be right handed. :) Also coming to grips with using the rollater inside instead of wall walking/furniture surfing.

starlight5 profile image
starlight5 in reply to Sandydemop

Goodness! you are falling a lot🙁 I'm curious, can you pinpoint anything specifically that's causing you to fall more? leg weakness? loss of balance? fatigue? a dragging foot causing you to trip? dizziness? etc.

2 of my falls were caused by being overmedicated on baclofen, one second I was standing and the next I was on the floor with no idea what had happened! 1 fall was from foot dragging/fatigue = a broken wrist. Last fall was from pushing myself beyond my limits and not sitting to rest when I knew I should = a badly sprained ankle and EMS carrying me up the stairs!🙄 I'm finally learning to listen to my body.😏

Be safe🤗use your rollator! I was so self conscious using it in front of people when first started but not anymore, I can go farther and faster with it. Plus I've found most people, strangers, will go out of their way to be helpful, hold a door, etc.

Have a safe day!!

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to starlight5

thanks starlight5 I fell down again today! Lucky for me I have lots of padding...all around. I get that i need to find a pattern. Today I went to sit on a rollater without brakes. I have to get a new one. Any recommendations? Recently I let go of the walker too far away from the car door thinking i could make it on the way out from physical therapy. Maybe there is a fatigue element. It's so frustrating that i can only seem to do one big task a day. using up all my spoons. thanks. I'll be more careful.

starlight5 profile image
starlight5 in reply to Sandydemop

Ah, been there. I went for several months with my rollator brakes not working well, was very lucky didn't fall during that time as it almost got away from me several times when going to sit down. After a close call, I finally looked at the manual and it was actually pretty easy to adjust, why did I wait so long? 🙄

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to starlight5

i am so relating to you!

hairbrain4 profile image

Glad you haven't hurt yourself in the falls. Have you tried chair yoga? There are some good leg strengthening exercises. Here is one site that I have adapted some of the stretches & strengthing movements from. She does a whole body routine but you can pick & choose what you want to do.

falalalala profile image

My right leg is the troublemaker for me.

I notice a stiffness in my hip and my right foot swells. Movement and stretching does help.

I have my husband help with stretching. When he hears me screech is when the stretching is complete.

As for the swelling, I put my feet up or walk on the treadmill.Also compression socks help but I can't get them on without my hub's help.Taking them off is an accident waiting to happen😆

Both things help a lot.

I hope you get relief.

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to falalalala

thanks falalalala

BlanketTime1 profile image

i'm happy to hear you didn't hurt yourself when you fell. a friend of mine puts things in strategic places around her home to stop her falls. dunno if that would help, but it sounds like a great idea!🤗

i always thought my right side was weaker, but really my left side is and that's why my right side is so buggered from relying on it.

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to BlanketTime1

hi BlanketTime1 i put a rug in the bedroom so i can fall on a softer surface. What does she put around the house to stop her from falls?

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to BlanketTime1

same here

Cutefreckles72 profile image

Hi Sandydemop, have you had an Echo of your heart? I thought the swelling in my legs was from sitting too long, so my doctor had me do an echo. My heart is normal, and the swelling isn't coming from my heart. My doctor thinks it's coming from the Gabapentin pills, so she suggested reducing the amount I am taking to see if that would reduce the swelling in my legs and feet. so far, it's working.

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to Cutefreckles72

hey Cutefreckles72 thanks for sharing your experience. I have an appt. with my PCP to rule out any cardio issues. it's probably not that because i don't have any risk factors but will rule that out next Weds.

MsBoo profile image

I too have weakness on my "dominate" right side.. therefore, like you, tend to put more stress on my left leg.. They are working to establish more strength on my right side, with PT and such.. it is helping a bit.. but because of the "sitting down" most of the time, my weight has increased and now they are working with my left leg "knee in particular" to strengthen it as it has the feeling and the pain of "bone on bone". I have had injections in it, but they don't seem to be working too well. Next step will be a knee replacement.. not looking forward to that at all.. and I take no painkillers, they have me on a major "tens" type unit with 6 different electrode patches and different speeds and levels for each 2 pads. It is working well to keep the pain down, when I use it at least once a day, my pain level goes from an eight to a four. If I do much physical activity, I have to use it more than 3 times a day. It's a hassle, but better than taking heavy duty meds..

I would say, PT and try any other possibility they suggest..

Best wishes for you

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to MsBoo

the tens unit sounds like a great idea. who prescribed it or did you buy it?

MsBoo profile image
MsBoo in reply to Sandydemop

My Orthopedic Dr prescribed it.. and the PT people taught me how to use it. I go to the VA as I am 100% disabled, so I don't know the cost.. but I imagine it is pretty hefty in price. It is : RS-4i Plus Sequential Stimulator with Intersperse Kit. Distributed by RS Medical out of Vancouver, WA.

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to MsBoo

thanks for sharing MsBoo i'm glad you found something that works.

stepsforNeeC profile image

So sorry my love to hear right side is weaker. I try moderate walking, light exercising to strengthen my muscles and to cut down on fatigue. I know it sounds weird, but it helps. Check - in with your doc if you don't feel better.

Peace and Prayers,


Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to stepsforNeeC

will do. ❣️

Koalagreen profile image

I have pictures for any gimnastic movement. But I think that for the right arm or the right leg , is necessary concret exercises. And maybe products as gel with messages with a phisio anaylist. I think that for people with MS is necessary solutions more specifics . Only for pain with MS.

I try only to swing when I can .

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to Koalagreen

thanks Koala

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