i try not to talk about my symptoms unless they're visible so i don't freak them out when some new symptom arises. sometimes it feels like the basic help i request is always met with sighs and refusals. for instance, i have heat intolerance. where i am it's still brutally summer. with family visiting, i awoke today to dizziness, brain fog and worsened ataxia. sometimes pmt makes me extra wobbly as our body temp increases, so i wasn't sure why i felt worse. my mother told me the family member was freezing, so she told them to adjust the ac. this evening, i told said family member i have heat intolerance.
my mother said, 'she knows that." so they both knew and just disregarded it. i offered her blankets and my mother said, 'it's only one more night." i know they don't understand so i went back and told my mother about my worsened symptoms. she told me i was being unfair and how dare i make a visitor feel uncomfortable.🙄 the irony.
i'm working on moving, but in the meantime i'm stuck with someone who should care, but just doesn't. it doesn't have to be a mother, but does anyone else have similar experiences and if so, how do you cope? the emotional hurt is just as bad as the increased staggering.