Gluten-free : I have previously mentioned... - My MSAA Community

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Amore55 profile image
20 Replies

I have previously mentioned that I get migraines. I have struggled to determine the cause. As I have worked to educate myself about various possibilities, gluten kept popping up. I have been eating gluten free for a few weeks now. I believe that I have finally found the answer to many of my questions. I have been able to eliminate my migraine medication, I’m not experiencing the bloating problem I was having, my aches in my joints are better. Each day that I consumed gluten products I realized that my body reacted negatively. I am hopeful that this is the correct course forward for me. Gluten free products are certainly more costly, but for me the end result is worth it. I do have to admit that I had to find some that taste better than others! ☺️ I found out that one brand of tortillas fall apart really fast, so I will never buy that again! I thought this might help someone else! Love to all, Kelly

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Amore55 profile image
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20 Replies
Royjr profile image

Thanks Kelly for your post. While I’m not Gluten free, I did reduce my intake apx. 75%+. I do notice a difference in my overall health. I find that it’s in almost everything. I just eat more fruit and vegetables.

palomino27 profile image

I went gluten free 9.5 years ago when I was first officially diagnosed at the urging of my sister. I felt less inflamed immediately. Today it's much easier to be gluten free and the taste is overall much better then it was back then. Really, and I know it's difficult and more expensive, everyone with autoimmune should be gluten free as gluten causes autoimmunity and in some severely. It's at least inflammatory to most. When one starts gluten free it takes months to get out of ones system completely, so the affects are not often immediate.It's funny, the individual ingredients are usually cheaper then gluten ingredients, but the food industry charges more cause they view it as a novelty or something. If one can still cook from scratch it's not as bad cost wise.Tapioca flower works well and doesn't usually fall apart as bad. Arrowroot is very good too. Potato base is the worst, but usually cheapest. Brown rice base can be ok. Gluten free is a life long commitment, not a try once and decide. After a while ya just get used to the different taste. Some things one tastes years later and the gluten version then tastes wierd. I cut out all fast food as well even if gluten free. Just the smell of something like a McDonald's nearby sorta makes me feel sick now.

And, diary is probably worse for most people on average.

That's amazing your migraines went away and so quick!

Amore55 profile image
Amore55 in reply to palomino27

Yes, I inadvertently ate gluten at a friend’s house two weeks ago. Just a sandwich without thinking. Sure enough, that night I woke up and felt bad. My stomach hurt, headache, just not good. Thank you for sharing this information. Inspiring knowledge.

palomino27 profile image
palomino27 in reply to Amore55

I also PPMS and was also told wheelchair in five years. I lasted almost ten years until I fell and broke my hip. 19? Years is amazing. Did you have children after being diagnosed?

Sandydemop profile image

Thanks Kelly for sharing your experience. I went sugar/ white flour/dairy free years ago and I know it helps my joints. I recently started eating cauliflower pasta and pita bread and it works for me.

Amore55 profile image
Amore55 in reply to Sandydemop

What do you use instead of dairy? I have been using coconut milk.

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to Amore55

I use oat milk lower calorie than coconut and still creamy

Amore55 profile image
Amore55 in reply to Sandydemop

Thanks! I tried it, have a box in my fridge. I really, really do not enjoy the taste. Maybe it is something I need to get used to?

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to Amore55

I get the vanilla flavor not the plain.

sashaming1 profile image
sashaming1 in reply to Amore55

I use almond milk.

palomino27 profile image
palomino27 in reply to Amore55

Almond milk mostlyCoconut a bit too

Cashew is the best but expensive,very creamy.

Cashew ice cream is the best!

It takes about 3 weeks to start to readjust to the taste of new food or major diet changes. In 3 month you won't even notice anymore.

Most restaurants have GF options now that can be very good.

kdali profile image

I'm glad you found something that's helping!

falalalala profile image

Thanks for posting this.

My sis in law suffers from them.

NorasMom profile image

Thank you for this! My son inherited bad migraines from my father, and so far none of the meds have helped. I forwarded your post to him. Not that he'll listen...

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to NorasMom

You never know

BlanketTime1 profile image

sorry to hear about it, but glad you've found a solution. personally i love udi's for gluten free breads, almond flour is the best and amy's makes some great gf frozen dinners for when you don't want to cook. dunno if you're near a big city, but i remember years before wishing for gluten free restaurants... and now there are some! i'm grateful for faddish celebrities.😜

Amore55 profile image
Amore55 in reply to BlanketTime1

Isn’t that the truth!

mrsmike9 profile image

So glad you found something that helps!

carolek572 profile image

I have been gluten free for about 20 years now, Amore55 My problem was digestive issues. I still have digestive issues but they are not as bad as before. I am also sensitive to cows milk, recently discovered that. So, I drink extra creamy oat milk. I love it, but to honestly tell you, I never really liked cow milk! I also suffer from migraines but they are few and far, about one every 3 months or so. I think that they are seasonal. Before you eliminate gluten completely from your diet, get a proper diagnosis. Keep Smiling :-D

hairbrain4 profile image

I have also found that if you can increase your fat intake from meats that the headaches will also subside. I've learned a lot about how good natural fats can be for us if we eat right with a high protein diet without all the glutinous bread & pasta, and sugary fruits. It sounded counterproductive to me at first but my sister has been eating that way for about 3 years now & has lost over 275lbs & is very healthy now. Her bloodwork is also good, with no high cholesterol or LDL levels.

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