ok someone wrote this and i agree
to all the northerners,your relatives showed up in the south,called ice.snow,and cold.they were drunk, and are laying in our yards and roads.could you please come get them? thank you
ok someone wrote this and i agree
to all the northerners,your relatives showed up in the south,called ice.snow,and cold.they were drunk, and are laying in our yards and roads.could you please come get them? thank you
I'm unable cuz they said it was their pool and the water was easy to cut through for the polar bear plunge for this year get ur swim wear and join him. u guys may want to go with his Russian friend who is with him he eats the ice from water u can pick
enjoy the jump
I would come and get them but heard you have ice, snow and cold. Why should I leave my ice, snow and cold to come to yours? 😁❄☃️
I once worked for a woman who was originally from Minnesota and had beentransferred from New York. She hadn't yet really expierienced snow in New Mexico. She complained about how we wer e all behaving when the road condition reports were coming in. She was telling us all about snow in Minnesota and New York. We answered, "that sounds horrible. But unless this company is going to reimburse us for staying the night at the Marriot( it was next door), we're outta here for the day!" And it was a good thing we did all leave work, because routes were being shut down. NM is not good for offering alternative routes. And a couple of my co workers did wind up stuck because the road to their side of town was closed because of weather conditions!
Too cold