Well it been six months and boom 💥 down I went. I moved and my foot didn’t. Fell backwards hitting the back of my head on counter top, shoulder hit drawer handle and then my rear. Knocked the wind out of me and was scary crazy 😜. Had my phone in my pocket and as I gasp 😦 for air I called my buddy Hughie, get hear quick I have fallen and bleeding 🩸. He and his brother showed up and got me upright and carried me to the car. Off to ER ! Well split back of my head open and couple broken ribs and missed my lower back up. Why doesn’t that dang foot respond?🤬 Yes when I could breath a few naughty words came out. Made it home with meds and lots of pain. 🙏 Ken 🐾🐾
New GPS for seniors 🤪☺️: Well it been six... - My MSAA Community
New GPS for seniors 🤪☺️

Oh, Ken! How awful for you! I hope you’re all right. So glad your friend was quick to help.
Sorry to hear of your accident. Feel better soon. Take care.
Damn Ken...
I hate not moving like I used to
I have a fear of falling, it hurts!
Not sure what the answer is
Take care of yourself
Oh man! Sounds like you were going for the Gold in that olympic fall...bing, bam, boom. Hope you are feeling better.
I’ll repeat my response darlin....
Oh Ken honeybunch!! Is there 2 of these or am I goin 🤪
Jaysus that sounds scary and painful
Arg you poor thing !
You will be well wobbly for a good few days so need to rest up and take it easy ( but carry on doing daily stretches - on your bed or your sofa where you can’t fall anywhere!)
Do you have a rollator with a seat?
Now is the time to use it!
You are going to be more vulnerable to falls because you bashed the back of your head - where your cerebellum is and so may have temporary balance issues(cerebellum ataxia) for a good few weeks (I did exactly what you did and not long after fell and broke a few ribs zzz)
And get the troops to make you nutrient rich soups and fresh fruit smoothies!
No heavy hard to digest meals for now eh
...and No more gallivanting around the kitchen for now - that’s what friends are for amigo - nows the
time to be assertive with knowing what you need and help yourself by getting them to help you
Asprin will help with the pain as well as helping to stop that blood of yours getting too sticky and causing a clot while you recuperate
Do they have district nurses in your part of the world?
You need that head of yours and other injuries regularly cleaned and dressed so they stay clean and don’t get infected ...
Sending love, hugs and sparkles for a safe and swift recovery Kenu
Oh, I'm so sorry. What a blessing you had your phone in your pocket! Will your buddy keep a close eye on you?
Ken, so very sorry, thank goodness for your phone and good friend! Please mend carefully. And utilities your friends to help you. Move slowly, as the feet do not always cooperate, but I really do not need to tell you that. Much love, Kelly
I meant utilize, my tablet likes to change words!
I'm glad to hear your overall ok. It is a good thing you had your phone on you to call for help. I am bad at that. I set it down somewhere and don't pick it back up and put it in my pocket.
This is a good reminder to do so. I'm also glad you had a support system to help you.
That doesn’t sound fun. Hope you are ok. It can only get better after all that.