I was supposed to of had a meeting with the mavenclad nurse on Monday but she couldn't make it so that is going to be rescheduled. Saw my neurologist today and got my blood work done. I had a problem with my vision over the weekend and my neurologist feels that it is from when I had the flare up a year and a half ago when I had the optic neuritis. It was crazy I was walking rue and when I came back in the water looked a really light green and when I looked in the mirror my eyes where yellow not just the white but my eye lids and the skin below. After 10 minutes I wasn't seeing the green water or yellow any more. I was told by my neurologist to get more rest. When I wear my sunglasses that doesn't happen. She is sure that the mavenclad didn't have anything to do with this. That it's just from the optic nerve damage. Enough of that. I am feeling good and not having any other problems. In about 4 months I will get more blood work done and I will see my neurologist in 6 months. I will continue to to keep you all informed of how I am doing. Until next till I will be walking rue and training her. And work on my crochet projects which I have 3 going on right now. You all take care and a pray that everyone is doing well
Year 1 finished : I was supposed to of had... - My MSAA Community
Year 1 finished
Those are unusual symptoms aren't they? I've had color changes before never connected them to this disease process. I always thought It was a medication reaction. I went,last week and had a thorough eye exam with the photos and all done. I wanted a good baseline for any future eye changes. For now at least they are healthy and my new glasses make a difference.
I'm learning so much from everyone's comments and it's interesting how everyone is affected differently. Hope your visit with the mavenclad nurse goes well.
Thank you Turtlepie for sharing your experience with this new drug. I hope and pray that it works for you and no more sore throats. Enjoy walking Rue, and I cant wait to see your accomplishments, Blessings Jimeka 🤗
Even after experiencing optic neuritis, I would think this experience would be a little unnerving, but I'm glad your neurologist explained what was going on. I hope this is the only episode. Thanks for you updates and your prayers. I'm so grateful for both.
I'm looking forward to seeing your next project!
It was scary and I was getting read to go to the hospital. Thank you and I have enjoyed posting my experiences so far here and will continue to give updates as thing move forward. I am so excited about my projects. After I get a couple of more blankets done and a few more prayer shawls I will start working on scarfs and hats for homeless veterans.
when i am in bright lights my eyes really change for alot of things around me ...have to have sunglasses on when outside if i am out in the bright sun just like when driving also ...hope all stays good for you ...just take care and if sunglasses help wear them ...i have to wear mine over the top of my glasses for they don't get dark enough ....happiness and loads of fun with your crocheting ...
Glad that your neuro explained your eye issues and that you have a solution to mitigate it by wearing sunglasses, Turtlepie Keep Smiling