I was have horrible leg pains, occasionally my leg would "jump" all on it's own.
When I went to the neuro I didnt know how to describe it, I could only says my legs just hurt.
Because of the leg pain I was not working, taking personal leave until I could get short term disability. I couldn't get any dr to fill out the STD paperwork. Finally PCP filled it out but did not send in everything they needed so still was denied STD. But while I wasn't working it gave me time to research a lot about MS, looking for anything that described the way I was feeling.
I found an article on spasticity and as I read more all I could think was "this is exactly what I am experiencing". Where I couldn't find the words before to describe the pain I had now read this article that gave me the words I was looking for.
It felt like someone had taken the muscle off of my legs, stretched them as far as they could, put them back in place and said now walk. Oh yeah, add random leg and back spasms to the mix.
After reading this blessing sent my way I saw my PCP and asked could I have this. He said absolutely and prescribed me baclofen.
This little pill has changed my world. After being out of work for about 3 months I am now back to a full schedule. I am a chef, on my feet most of the day. Sitting down when needed, but definitely couldn't have continued without this reading that help me find my way back.
I write this hoping it helps someone else find their way to answers. I have found in this short relationship that I have had with the Monster that it is sometimes hard to find the words to describe what is happening. Hope this helps someone!