My name is Dawn, was officially diagnosed in 08. And put on meds then. But I first had optic neuritis in my early 20's and neurologist then had said if there had been more than 6 lesions he would have said it was MS. Only had brain MRI and 5 lesions.... now I'm on Tysabri, going on my 4th seems to be working.
Just joined: My name is Dawn, was... - My MSAA Community
Just joined

Welcome to the group. You will find you can talk about anything here without judgment. Glad you are getting treatment.
Hi Dawn, welcome to the group. We are a friendly group with all types of ms, all in various stages, but we all understand each other. Join in any time, ask any type of question you want, some one will be able to guide you, Blessings Jimeka
Welcome to a great group. I hope you find lots of support here.
Welcome to the group!
welcome to the group
Welcome! This group is great! I joined last summer when I was diagnosed
As I tell all of the newcomers, please do check out the book by Ann Boroch"Healing Multiple Sclerosis ." I found out about it her, and it has changed my life.
Welcome to this great group, sorry for the reason. Jump in anywhere or start your own post. You can ask questions, celebrate, vent, etc. Look forward to getting to know you.
Welcome! It's a great group. We all ask questions, vent, support and share. Sometimes things are funny, sometimes quite serious. Happy to have you join us!
welcome to our group and it is great for you can talk or cry about dealing with this monster that is what i call it MS...enjoy some funnies off and on ...we all have some kind of problems to you can talk about anything on here ...enjoy it here ...
Hi Dawn. I am also on Tysabri. Welcome to the group.
I have been on Tysabri for 2+ years and doing great, in fact my MRIs have been stable for so long now and no relapses. My most recent neuro appt she said I would be on it "indefinitely" and probably would not relapse.
"Numerous and diffuse" was how my lesions were described when I was diagnosed in "09. I was started immediately on Betaseron which did not work, then was on Copaxone for years and started having relapses again. I tried Aubagio and Tecfidera, and each did not sit well with me. Then I started Tysabri and the rest is history! I keep waiting for the proverbial "other shoe to drop" which now seems like it will not happen. Whew! But the idea is still new to me and I'm not sure how not be "sick" but still have the limitations MS has left me with (not visual, physical and emotional).
How it been going? Going to switch it Tysabri this month.