Hi everyone! I am new to this sight. I was diagnosed with MS in 2006. I am currently on Tysabri. I use a cane because of the weakness and stiffness in my legs. I am currently on Celexa for depression which helps my depression but not with my pain. I would like to switch to Cymbalta because it is suppose to help with depression and pain. Has anyone tried Cymbalta for pain and does it help?
Cymbalta for pain: Hi everyone! I am new... - My MSAA Community
Cymbalta for pain

Cymbalta made me very drowsy and I slept for 14 hours at a time on it. For some reason I do not respond well to antidepressants.
I have been on Cymbalta for twenty four years, originally for depression and has worked great 👍. As far as pain I am not sure 🤔I do know several people who use it for pain and say it helps them, one is my wife. I was on opioids for years and then eight years ago I had a pain pump put in 👍. Hope Cymbalta works for you 🙏😉. Ken 🐾🐾
I want to thank you for your response. I am happy to hear that it has worked great for you, as far as your depression. Can I ask what type of pain pump you had put in? Is it Baclofen?
Welcome! I was new to this site yesterday and warmly received myself so I know you’ll love it too 😊
When I was first diagnosed in ‘03 I was put on Cymbalta & Wellbutrin for depression. FYI, if you are good at remembering your medication, go for it. If not, stay away. I ended up in the ED because of forgetting. And then again when I tried to wean myself off.
My ex-neurologist’s NP was kind enough to listen to my desire to stop taking it because of forgetting. Now I have a new neurologist, new meds (that I can forget without consequences).
But when I was off Cymbalta my emotions have been off the charts- anger & weepiness->crying because I’m angry. If you asked anyone who knows me if I normally get angry the answer would be “never”. Until I was put on another head drug. Now I’m happy and stable 😁
Even when I injured my back the pain was excruciating and I was on Cymbalta & that was nerve pain. I don’t know what pain you are going through. I’ve never experienced MS pain. My MS numbs everything.
But anything is better than opioids. Been there. Did that. Not worth the “headache” & possible heartache. So giving Cymbalta a try may be worth it. 😊 Lin
I’m on Cymbalta generic. I can’t tell much about the pain relieving benefit.
My neuro changed mine to Cymbalta. For me the pain in my toes dulled only a little but that is my body and not yours. You may find that it's super helpful. It never hurts to try. My GP just added Guanfacine to my depression meds. That is helping a touch.
I want to thank you for your positive response. I know everyones body reacts different to medications. Thanks again.
Hi, I just found this site. Read lots of posts then saw this one. I am on Cymbalta in addition to Belbuca and Dilaudid. I don't suffer from Depression but I understand Cymbalta is supposed to help in that area. Cymbala is a great tool in the toolbox of pain relief and works best in combination with agonists. I do know Cymbalta does cause tiredness and if you don't get enough sleep it can cause forgetfulness too.
I do know that life is a constant challenge when in pain 24/7/365. I cannot and do not want to imagine what it would be like to not have these wonderful meds to help me live a somewhat pain free life. When I was diagnosed with advanced cancer some years back...it was a stark reality I did not know if I would make it through. I guess I am a glass half full kind of person as opposed to a glass half empty.
My GF suffers from anxiety/depression and she takes lexapro and Xanax. Time has been her best friend in addition to the meds.
Keeping oneself from going to and staying out of dark thoughts is a day to day job. Reading uplifting books and magazines and watching worthwhile shows and time with super positive kind of people are keys that can make life a little more tolerable.
MS is a tough sentence. My thoughts go out to you...strong positive thoughts and hopes for you! Diseases can break your body and mind down but your spiritual being can often combat these forces . Try to keep your spirit well nourished with things that give you happiness to buttress against the daily onslaught of pain and depression. And we are here too...to reach out to and share. Stay strong and work on letting you spirit flourish with good things! My best to you.